Father.. I'm sorry - Ragnar Lothbrok

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warnings: none, I guess. This is just a small writing exercise

The leaves fell slopelly from the brenches, taking theirs times to dance in the air before meeting the ground, the wind was cold, sending chivers over your body while you rode as fast as you could.

Suddenly, you pulled the horse's ribands, making it stopped while you trying to believe in your eyes.

The golden gate was right before you, it doors wide open waiting for you. The shouts from the warriors could be heard through all the forest together with the clashes of their weapons.

You jumped from the horse, walking in the direction of Valhalla. From your place, you could see someone laying on the gate's framing. A smile spreaded across your lips instantly while you rushed to his direction. Standing there was your father, much different from the man you knew, yet the look on his eyes was the same.

You felt to his knees, feeling tears wetting your cheeks while you looked up to him, trying to say something, anything, but nothing seemed right. After all those eyes, he was there. The memories from the day of his death still remained on your mind, the sneakes that haunted your dreams every night.

"It's not your time yet, little one" he said, laying a hand on your shoulder. "Odin has greater things waiting for you.. The old pig can wait a bit more" he smiled, pulling you on your feets, looking at you with bright eyes.

"Father.. I am sorry." You gasped and he shook his head in denial. There was no reason to apologize. You were much more than he expected, a wise and respected shieldmaiden just like your mother.

"I am proud of you" he pulled you in a hug, caressing your back while you tighned your grip on him, afraid that he would disappear any second. "You aren't like your brothers, you're smarter than them" he hold your neck, looking into your eyes, before kissing your forehead. "So go back there and put some judgment in their empty heads."

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