Never Have I Ever

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The Avengers and team red were play never have I ever but it was the drinking version. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. All of the Avengers and Wade took a shot or for Wade, a sip of a juice box.
"Okay okay, never have I ever not went to midtown high school" Clint said, taking a shot. "You're the worse Clint" Peter said. All of the adults take a shot. "Never have I ever... Lifted Mjölnir" Wanda said. Peter and Thor drank there juice and shot. "REALLY" Clint yelled. "I'll explain later" Peter said.
"Okay, my turn. Never have I ever had a building fall on me" Natasha said. Team red slowly took a sip of juice trying not to be notice. But there are two spys with them so they were caught. "Excuse me" Natasha said. It was at this moment, team red knew, they fucked up. "Explain, now. All of you" Clint said. "Peter you go first" Wade said. "Fine. Okay so this guy called Adrian Toomes was going to steal from Mr. Starks jet -the one that was suppose to be moving the stuff to the new tower. Anyways I found out about that and followed Toomes to a abandoned warehouse were we fought for like 8 minutes, then he shot the support beams of the warehouse and the entire building came crashing down on me. I broke like 4 ribs, my ankle, my hand and my foot. But 6 minutes after I lifted the building off me I had to go fight him again in Mr. Starks plane that crashed with me on it. Then I got beaten half to death by Toomes, then I had to save him from getting blown up. Then I limped home" Peter explained. "I'll go next because mine was just stupid". Matt said. " So I was at the police station eating a bagel when the building just started falling apart. But I was locked in a room so I couldn't get out. The building only fell on the bottom half of me so I just continued to eat my bagel while the ambulance tried to get me from under the building. You know what really sucked though? My homework was in the building " Matt explained. "Okay, my turn. So when I was first turned immortal, this guy name Francis locked me in this thing so I set it on fire. I accidentally burned down the building that him and all of the people he 'helped' were in. The building came down and I couldn't leave because we were fighting while the building was burning and I got stabbed through the chest with a metal rod. The top of the rod was bent so I had to wait for it to break before I got out. And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" Wade explained. The Avengers were shocked. These kids have been crushed by heavy ass building but here they are, walking it off like it was nothing. These kids are amazing!

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