Part 36

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its very late and short sorry- i have had a trip to the hospital, a bit needle into my shoulder, strong arse pain relief, then when that started sorting itself, i got a throat and chest infection. its been a fun few weeks.

They have all just left and I am about to sit down All the sudden the doctor walks out looking glum and I feel my heart instantly stops and I feel like my whole world has stopped, it can't be bad news please tell me it isn't bad news.

"Perrie did you hear him, they the surgery went well she is in the recovery room she will be awake soon so we need to go back to be with her, I don't want her waking up without us" Zayn says I can feel us walking but it take a while for everything to sink in and when it does I start rushing I promised her that I would be there when she woke up and I will stick to this promise and every other promise I ever make my children. I'm so glad she is going to be ok. We get to the area and the doctor shows us to her room, she has wires connected to her chest, to drips in her arms she looks so fragile, small and pale, my poor baby. Zayn gently pushes me forward and we both take her hand carefully, and we wait. After a bit she starts to groan and try to move her arms

"hey baby girl, you're ok baby open your eyes, we are here baby" Zayn says and she starts to relax and her eyes start to open it seems like a struggle. She opens her eyes and it takes everything in me not to leap and hug her tight she looks around

"Where's Milly?" she asks her voice cracking making me want to laugh a little at how much this reminds me or the first hospital trip.

"she is with Carmen for the night and my mum is coming up tomorrow she will stay with us for a little while to help look after Mia until we get you back on your feet." I explain carefully moving the hair form her face wiping the loan tear that falls down her face.

"you scared us so much baby, are you in pain, I'll get the doctor?" I say starting to ramble I go to get up but she stops me

"I'm ok mama" she says moving her hand to rub her eyes but groans when she fees the oxygen tube.

"good to see you awake Hun I am nurse Kat, are you in pain?" A nurse walks in and Kali nods as to answer the pain question.

Me and Zayn stay the night Kali has a private room which has a fold out couch for us, it isn't comfy but along as we are near Kali, she woke up a few times throughout the night, not having sleeping pills and random bouts of pain. At one stage I woke the cutest thing Zayn sitting there softly singing and then telling Kali about how he wishes to take the pain, she fell asleep during the song but he kept talking, he struggles sometimes with Kali, it's like he is scared to tell her how he feels completely how he wants to hold her tight and keep her safe like a father, he is scared that it will scare her of. The girls love us equally but Amelia is very much a daddy's girl and Kalani is a mummies girl. I think for Mia having Kalani was always like having a mother figure and she struggles a little to let go of that view of Kalani but she has never had a proper father figure so she has clung to Zayn. I don't mind though, I know she loves me and knows I am there for her and her situation I can't blame her after her upbringing. Kali on the other hand has only seen evil from both sides so I am baffled as to why she connects with me more. I can only guess that maybe it has to do with more pain coming from men or maybe just the fact that Zayn come of more intense bad boy and I guess as people often say I am bubblier and easier going.

Either way it was a very cute moment that I witnessed. Kali has just had some food and the girls are on their way with food for us. We told the hospital about Kalis food plan and weight gain and they said they will run some test to see if her vitamin levels are heading on up.

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