Jungkook's POV
I was telling my story with feelings, as if i was really re-living that day, when i looked unto the person i was talking to, i saw that she was asleep already. I saw how uncomfortable she was by how her head was hanging off the back of the bench, so i grabbed her head and gently placed it on my lap. There she was sleeping soundly.

"Oh God, she's beautiful"

I then realized the words that escaped my mouth.

"Jeon Jungkook, what are you saying??? You just met her"
"So what Jungkook? You like her"
"But i just met her, we dont even know each other that much?"
"Then get to know her"
"Like how you shared your life story to her"

Then i realized i was having a debate with my inner self. So i decided to just push my thoughts aside and keep my mouth shut before she wakes up. I was staring at her, and taking in all the beautiful facial features she has. Long nose, nicely shaped eyes, cherry lips, and perfectly formed brows. She looks exactly like a goddess who jumped out of a children's book. Its clearly shown that God took time in making her.

"You know what, you remind me of someone ive known since i was 4"

I cant help but smile at the thought of my childhood bestfriend, i wonder how she was doing?

I was pulled out of my thoughts of my childhood bestfriend when Y/N started to move her head, i looked down on her and noticed how she looked bothered by how the sunlight was directly hitting her face, so i raised my hand, high enough to block the sunlight from hitting her face, then i smiled.

                                                  *time skip*

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 4:30 PM already. Weve been here in the garden for an hour and a half, and she is still sleeping. So i gently poked her cheek.

"Y/N wake up, its already 4:30PM"
"5 more minutes pleaseeee"

Then she turned her head towards me, which again, placed a smile on my face. I slid aside the hair that was covering her face to get a better view, then i tapped her slightly on her shoulders.

"Y/N, wake up, your mom will arrive here by 5:00, she will be looking for you"

I was woken up from my beauty rest by a gentle poke on my cheek.


I heared his voice, but i wasnt in the mood to reply properly

"Y/N wake up, its already 4:30PM"
"5 more minutes pleaseeee"

I begged as i turned my head, then i felt him removing the hair covering my face and tapped my shoulder.

"Y/N, wake up, your mom will arrive here by 5:00, she will be looking for you"

I lazily stood up from where i was lying, and realized that i was sleeping on Jungkook's lap. So i directly stood up and bowed at him.

" Omayghad, Jungkook im very sorry, i didnt notice that i fell asleep and that i-"
"Shhhhh, its okay Y/N, i understand, you must be tired from the tour, though im still a bit mad of the fact that you slept while i was talking"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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