Chapter 10 Welcome to the Gang

Start from the beginning

When I stepped out on campus I was still a bit confused and actually tired of all this fighting. It bothered me cause I couldn't understand what happened between them that they suddenly hate each other like that. I kind of wanted them to be friends again or at least not be fighting anymore. In the distance I saw one of Jooheons friends. I think his name was Minhyuk. He's there all alone! That was my one chance. I walked over to him looking out for Jooheon. If he saw me he would probably want to know what I'm doing here.

Softly I tapped his shoulder. His head popped up and he looked at me. He needed a few seconds to recognise me. "Hey! Jooheons girl right?" He asked with the biggest smile. He looked so nice and cute, how could Changkyun not like him and talkso badly about him. "Yeah...well not quite but..." I tried to explained myself. His eyebrows started to wiggle. "So...did you guys had fun?" He asked, talking about the whole turn off the mic thing. "What?! No! I mean...we didn't!" I defended myself. "Listen there is something I need to talk to you about." His face suddenly got serious as he noticed I was too. He placed his book next to him and tapped with his hand next to him. I shook my head. " private?" I asked. His eyes widened. "Alrighty." He took his stuff. "Follow me Yuriko." He said and started walking. I followed him but suddenly stopped. "Hold on a second! do you know my name?" I asked. He laughed a little and turned around to face me. "No idea?" He asked me as my brows furrowed. "Jooheon of course. He told us about you." He smiled and wanted to continue walking, but I pulled him back. "Us?" I asked. "As in.." He nodded before I could even ask my question. "Yep all of us. We know everything miss I kiss boys when they are sleeping." He said and winked at me. My heart stopped. He told them...! He told them everything! "Omg." I said and look into the distance. Minhyuk laid his arm around me. We started walking again. "Don't worry about it we won't tell." He smiled at me. Why did he told them about that? That's so embarrassing! I wonder what else he told them. "The gang knows everything?" I asked shocked. "What gang?" Minhyuk asked and acted like he was looking for someone. He laughed. "We're not a gang Yuri. But yeah he tells us everything. We're best friends." he shrugged. We reached a little cafe and sat down. "What exactly do you know?" I asked still confused.
He sighed. "Doesn't 'everything' explain that to you?" he asked tired. I shook my head. "Hey don't act like that! I'm sure you told Shangkyun and that Girl everything about Jooheon too." he said and crossed his arms. I started laughing. "Changkyun...Chang not Shang. But I guess you're right. I'm sorry." I said amd stopped laughing. Minhyuk smiled at me. He was such a sunshine.
We ordered some coffee. "So you wanted to talk to me?" he asked. "Yeah. I know you're Jooheons best friend...but I need to know did he ever talk to you about his  past?" I asked leaning over the table like I just told him a top secret code. He leaned over too. "Depends on what you're talking about." he whispered back. "I mean that Changkyun and Jooheon used to be best friends." I answered him. He nodded amd sat back in his chair. "What exactly is it that you want to know?" he asked. "I wanna know what happened between them that they hate each other now." I took a sip of my coffee. He sighed again. "Didn't your friend tokd you?" He asked and poured some suger in his coffee. "He did but I wanna know what happened in Jooheons story. I wanna know his side." I continued. Minhyuk didn't seemed to feel very comfortable.
"Why not asking Jooheon?" he asked looking out the window. It was so obvious he wanted avoid my question. "Minhyuk...I only know him a few days and know he would just get mad at me for asking." I said. "So if you know it would make him mad...why asking anyway?" Minhyuk asked.
"They were best friends, now it's suddenly over and only one person knows why. That's not fair. And I would like them to be friends again, or at least not enemies. Please Minhyuk! Help me! Help them." I begged with folded hands. Minhyuk looked at me before laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked confused by his reaction. "You! That was so dramatic." He couldn't stop laughing. "I'm serious!" I said offended. He stopped laughing. "Listen Yuri. They're old enough to decide if they want to be friends or not. They were best friends, not anymore, end of story." Why did he sounded like Changkyun. "Ever thought about the fact, that there is a good reason why they are not friends anymore?" he asked. "That's what I want to know." I said. "Ask Jooheon!" Was his final answere. I let my head down. "Fine. Then I gotta do that on my own." I said and stood up.  Just as I wanted to leave dramatically I ran into someone. I stumbled backwards but was able to catch my balance before I fell. I looked up into Jooheons confused yet happy face. "Leaving so soon?" he said and pulled me back to the table. He sat down and pulled me next to him. "What's going on here?" he asked and looked between Minhyuk and me. We both shook our head. "We met by coincidence and I wanted to know if you guys had se..." Jooheon slapped his arm before he could finish his sentence.  Minhyuk immediately raised his arms in defense. For a moment he looked really scared, but he laughed right after it. "Why are you so aggressive today?!" Minhyuk said playfully offended. Jooheon just rolled his eyes. "Why are you such a pervert today?" Jooheon asked back using the same voice as Minhyuk. I awkwardly looked between them, not knowing what to say we were sitting in the booth for a while before we got joined by the gang. They all introduced themselves and I found out that they were actually really nice. Except for Kihyun. He was pretty sassy most of the time, but it was kind of funny.
Joohron really seemed to be feeling comfortable. "So...Yuri" Wonho started. "You like our little Joohoney here hmm?" He asked. Before I could even think about the answer of this question all I heard was Joohoney. "Aww Joohoney! That's so cute!" I said and grabbed his arm. "Please let me call you that!" I asked. Jooheon rolled his eyes but smiled. "Do I have a choice?" He asked. I shook my head.
All of a sudden he did some cute gesture.

 All of a sudden he did some cute gesture

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We all started laughing. Thiswas a complete new side of him. A side I loved. He was happy and comfortable and that made me smile. Jooheon squished my face with his hands, when I noticed 5 pairs of eyes staring at us. I turned my head and looked at them embarrassed. Jooheon didn't really seemed to care. He just grabbed my face with both his hands and pressed his soft lips on mine. A loud growling and cheering was heard from his friends. I smiled in our kiss as we slowly parted. "Welcome to the gang." Minhyuk said as Jooheon pulled me close to him. I leaned against his chest with my back smiling at them.

Did that mean we were official now? And if yes...what will happen with Changkyun?

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