Chapter 3 - Parents, am I right!

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"Was it me or did, Mr Wallici hate you for some reason."

After receiving my most sour look Eaton knows to drop the subject.    

 "so are you busing home today," he asks with a grin.                                                                                    "Sorry, " I reply laughing at his crestfallen face "you'll have to find someone else to terrorize tonight, mum's picking me up,". My mood switches and I groan at the thought; at this point, I'd even prefer the glares I would get sitting with the trickster than the hour of ranting I'd get on the trip home with my perfectionist mother whose a little bit bitter from her recent divorce. 

It didn't help that she would be dropping me off at dad's, last time she dropped me off at his house she spent the whole trip  complaining that he should be picking me up at the start of his week, that she had better things to be doing and he should get off his lazy ass, while simultaneously telling me that I should spend more time with her and that we never talk anymore.

parents, am I right.

I wave goodbye to Eaton and go wait by the gate, my mother is not only a perfectionist she is a workaholic to boot. This means she often is late because she just had to go through one more report, I wish her excuses were more original.

three-quarters of an hour after school finished I see my mothers red convertible pull up

"Sorry I'm late dear, I just had to...."
"Go through one more report" I retort

"don't use that tone Ember, You live in the lap of luxury because I am the best at what I do" she utters.

We don't speak for the rest of the journey and when she stops in dads drive, I give her a quick hug and run inside. Its better for everyone if my parents spend the least amount of time possible in the presence of each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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