Another Party..A New Girl

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         Another party to show my face at which means another girl to wake up in my bed.I get out of bed and I go downstairs and grabs a pop-tart from the counter and run back up the stairs. Its around 7pm and I took like a 4 hour nap so now its time to get ready for the party. I grabs my clothes and lay them out on my bed which my mom fixed for me.

        I go into the bathroom and takes a 35 minute shower then i put on my workout clothes and go to the gym for 2 hours and come back home to take another shower and put on my party clothes since its 9:56pm.
My outfit:

       I grab my keys off my dresser and slides down the banister like a bad ass and slams and locks the door after me

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

       I grab my keys off my dresser and slides down the banister like a bad ass and slams and locks the door after me. I rush to my car and starts it up. I turn up the radio to listen to the song "Drake and Lil Baby Yes indeed". Thank god i got bass added to my car so my music is blasting.
*At the Party*    

       I walk into the party and im greeted by a few of my drunken friends. The music in this house is so damn loud i cant even hear my heartbeat for all i know it probably has stopped by now. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a cup and puts vodka in it and drinks it straight. After 4 shots im tipsy but not close to being drunk which is what usually happens because im so use to drinking now.

      After a few shots and some drinks im finally nearly losing my balance. A girl who name i forgot walks up to me and starts a casually conversation with me which is pretty much how it starts. She'll definitely be in my bed tonight.

Girl: Hey Jordan
Me: Wassup Uh...girl
Girl: My names is Christal
Me: Yes yes christal I knew that
Girl: So how's ur night going? * Puts her hand on my chest*
Me: Oh it will get better *Grabs her butt*
Girl whimpers
Whispers in her ear °Meets me outside°

      She shakes her head and walks to get another drink while I go outside.


        We both get in the car and drive to my house. Halfway in the door she's in my arms and were kissing our way up the stairs. Since my mom is out on a business trip I have the house to myself for the next 3 months. Christal starts to kiss my neck and leaves scratches on my back with her long painted nails. We finally make it to my nice clean room but she lets go of her grip and goes into the bathroom. While she's in the bathroom i hurry and spray my best smelling colon and dim the lights and takes off my shirt to show my well defined 6 pack.


        I run into the bathroom to take off my clothes and put on my sexy bra and panties I had in my purse. I'm a dark skin chocolate woman so I wear colors that fit my skin tone.

        I walk back out the room and the lights are dim and the room smells wonderful

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

        I walk back out the room and the lights are dim and the room smells wonderful. I run over to Jordan laying on the bed and I attack him with kisses. I know this is a one night thing but its so worth it. Everyone knows that Jordan is only 20 so he isn't looking for anything long term and neither am I.

       After 3 hours of making the bed shake I lay in bed with Jordan's long white clean tee shirt on with nothing else underneath. We watch 2 movies before we both fall into a deep sleep.

       For the next week in a half everything is the same. Parties and Chicks. Which is total fine with me. Like I said before I don't wanna get to attached.


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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