Something's Wrong with Markiplier | Creepypasta

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The video ended with the couple having a dinner at a local restaurant, Amy still being the one behind the camera. She had it pointed at Mark who slurped up noodles.

"So, how's your vacation going?" Amy asked.

"I still can't sleep. I think I have Insomnia." He joked.

However, there was a sense of uncertainty in his quip, and looking at the thick bags under his eyes further confirmed my suspicion.

Mark also looked thinner than I could remember, his cheekbones were more pronounced and his face had that gloominess in them, the once cheerful smirk was little to nonexistent. His black hair had grown longer than he would normally let it grow, and not to mention his skin, it was no longer that rich tan complexion but was rather pale, as if all the blood had drained out of him.

The vlog ended with a goodbye bid from the couple, then thumbnails of his other videos popped up showing the most relevant ones that might capture my interest.

As a matter of fact, they did, and I'd spent the rest of that night binge watching a bunch of Mark's vlogs, commentaries, and skits. Then I noticed that even in his older videos, the ones released in 2013, there were manifestations of Slender-man's presence: from silhouettes in the distance, to an arm sneaking into frame.

He was everywhere.

And the more recent the video was, the closer he got to Mark.

Then as if right on cue, a notification from him went off: he had started a live stream. I tapped on it and it immediately redirected me to the video, an overwhelming sense of dread taking over me, anxiously waiting for the stream to load.

It was in set in his usual recording studio with the familiar foam-padded backdrop. But instead of a giddy Mark welcoming the viewer with his contagious energy and enthusiasm, I was met with a man with bloodshot eyes. Mark appeared more unkempt, his hair was everywhere, thicker beard, and there were tear stains on his cheeks.

He was not looking at the camera, he was staring in blank space, his mouth hanging open as he struggled to find words

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He was not looking at the camera, he was staring in blank space, his mouth hanging open as he struggled to find words.

"I... I've never been really honest with you people..." Mark croaked, "I think I'm losing it, guys."

My eyes darted to the live comments section. Some fans were going crazy with their theories about Darkiplier whereas the others were expressing legitimate concern.

His eyes were now on the camera, as if directly talking to me, "I'm losing control... I can feel it closing in on me."

It? My heart throbbed erratically as I stared back into those tired, tear-soaked eyes of his.

"Please..." He sobbed.

Tears were now trickling down the side of my face realizing that I couldn't do anything or have any concrete idea what he was going through. I was just one of the millions of fans on the Internet.

The only thing I could do is pray he'd be alright and this was all a joke.

"Help me..." Mark sobbed, his terrified whimper now apparent.

My stomach dropped when inhumanly long fingers slowly and menacingly make its way around Mark's face.

My stomach dropped when inhumanly long fingers slowly and menacingly make its way around Mark's face

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The stream was abruptly stopped just as the hands grabbed his head.

Then there was nothing but static and my scream of fright.

Posts on Twitter exploded the moment the stream ended, the fans were freaking out and telling everyone within reach of their social media accounts about Mark's latest stream, telling them about that thing that grabbed him.

I never slept that night.


Two days went by without a single news about Mark, not even a cryptic tweet. The fans all over the Internet were agitated now and one went the extra mile to start a search party just to make sure he was alright. 

All the paranoia was cut short when a notification of him posting a video on his channel.

I scrambled over there as fast as I could, and as soon as it loaded, Mark stood there looking straight at the camera.

"Hello everybody," Mark waved at the camera, a casual smirk across his face, "I'm sorry for scaring you a few days ago. I know it's a bit early for Halloween but I just wanted to build up the suspense before the big scare. But... A lot of you were already worried sick so I had to drop the act of me losing control and shit."

Mark leaned closer.

He wasn't blinking.

"Everything's gonna be alright now that I'm in control." His eyes grew wider as he grinned from ear to ear. A gaze so unsettling as if he was staring into my soul.

I could've sworn a faceless man was peering behind him.

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Something's Wrong with Markiplier | CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now