It wasn't a command but I knew he didn't want me to watch. The man protested, my head turning and eyes screwing shut as Declan swung the branch high above him before bringing it down. I flinched a bit at the crunch it made, the man instantly silenced.

I felt my breathing increase, footsteps crunching. His hands found my arms before his fingers were gently taking my chin and perking it up. I opened my eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked, breathless.

"Me? I'm fine, love, really-"

"They didn't hurt you?"

"They never got the chance. Are you alright? Shit, I am so sorry you had to be here. I didn't want to expose you to any of this," he shook his head.

"Declan, I love you. And that means that through any of this wildness, all of your past, and all of your future, I am here for." He cupped my cheek, eyes dancing over my face before looking up. He focused on something, face falling immediately.

I turned, seeing Little Fish watching from behind the tent. Declan's hands left me, my eyes raking over him as he looked close to crying. He bowed his head and heaved a sigh, looking up and taking my hand as we approached the tent and little girl. "Do you think she saw?" he whispered.

"She's very quiet, there's no telling."

"I've scarred her for life," he grunted.

"No, not you," I shook my head. I took the lead and removed all my weapons, finding Enut was getting dressed. "Come quick, we've something to show you."

"What was all that noise?"

"You'll see, come," I told him, Little Fish holding Declan's hand now. Once ready, Declan lead us to the murder sights. "They came and snuck up on him. They meant to kill him and no telling what they meant for us."

"More will come," Declan spoke, us all standing over the dead men now. "They'll kill you to get to me..."

"Their spirits will become demons," Little Fish spoke. I translated for Declan in a whisper, his hand locked tightly with mine. I watched as Enut stepped forward towards a body and rock, Declan moving us closer and bringing Little Fish into his other side, her smiling lightly. We watched Enut as he lifted a large rock, my brows furrowing before I realized what he was doing.

"He means to give them a resting place," I whispered. Declan shook his head, eyes filled with such sadness. He left me and Little Fish go, the little girl coming into my side.

"Hey," Declan placed his hand on Enut's shoulder, halting him after he placed the first rock. "We don't have time." I frowned, Little Fish holding onto me tightly as Enut didn't listen and went for more. Declan sighed and followed suit, figuring it wold get done quicker with them two.

Once their burials were finalized and there was no spiritual chances of them becoming demons, Enut began to formulate a plan after Declan had packed a ruck sack and adorned a new coat he and I had made together. I acted as translator. "We go North to my people, beyond the broken ice, away from these men."

"You go North," Declan pointed. "I go South." I paused, looking at him in bewilderment but his sad eyes remained trained on Enut. He tried to point North, not wanting to believe Declan either perhaps. "You go North, me South."

I translated again, voice wavering a bit. "He means to go South as we go North."

I frowned when Enut understood then, moving to take the knife he knew Declan liked and presented it to him. I wanted to smile but my heart was being constricted. "You keep it," Declan closed Enut's fingers around the handle, speaking softly. "Next time we meet. Thank you."

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