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"you look so beautiful when you're this happy"


a couple of days later, after my mom had got home from work, she asked me if she could talk to me for a little bit, and i immediately got nervous. everybody knows that when one of your parents want to talk to you, you're either in trouble, or you're in big trouble.

and the thing was i didn't even know what i did. i mean, there was yesterday when i accidentally knocked down one of the expensive vases in the living room, and it broke (but i taped it back together with duct tape, so it couldn't be that) but i haven't done anything serious in a while.

but i followed her into the guest room to see what she wanted. she didn't seem upset about anything, her expression was pretty neutral, but again, that could just be a front for her to pretend she isn't mad so i won't be scared.

once we made it to the guest room, she just motioned for me to sit down on the bed while she took a sharp inhale and massaged her temples (both not good signs) before she began to speak.

"now gazzy, i know that talking about this is going to be awkward for us both, but it's my job for me to ask these questions and talk to you about these kind of things..." she started in a calm voice.

okay, so far so good.

"...have you and omar been having sex?"

when i tell you that i never cringed harder in my life, i meant it. i would rather have her yell at me and cuss me out than try to give me the sex talk. shit's just awkward.

i shook my head no, and technically i wasn't lying because no, omar still hasn't fucked me yet. honestly, i was starting to get a bit desperate. i get that he was trying to take things slow for me, but nigga i want you to destroy my guts, shit.

"listen mi hijo, i don't care that you and omar are together, and i don't care if you two are sexually active. i know that you're a teenager with raging hormones and honestly i'd rather it be omar than anybody else, since i trust he wouldn't hurt you...but i just ask that you two be safe, and be smart together."

the one thing that i appreciated about my mom was that she wasn't like one of them parents who would beat their child with a bible if they even thought about sex. she was really leniant with me, and she trusted me to make my own choices - even if the talks about said choices were awkward as hell.

but i don't know what she meant about being safe. it's not like i can get pregnant, i'm a whole nigga. maybe she forgot she wasn't talking to cassy for second.

" did you even know about me and omar? we haven't told anyone yet.

"i'm your mother. i know everything about you," she flashed me a smile before kissing my forehead. "i love you."

"i love you too mamí."


it's been a week since that awkward conversation about sex with my mother, and it floated back into my mind as i slid on the pair of panties i got from victoria's secret the day before the fair.

my black eye had finally faded away, and omar told me that he was going to take me out date when he got home from work, and i was 100% sure that i was finally about to get dicked down the way i wanted since the day i stepped foot in this house.

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