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have you ever gotten home from school to find everything you own laying on the curb while your mother sits on the porch? because it's not fun.

that's exactly what happened to me last week. it was around the end of the school year, and i was hella excited to get my summer started and not be stressed out for at least 2 months until school started back up again.

it was the day that we finished our finals, and i was ready to just go home and chill, since i didn't have to worry about studying or any of that shit, not that i studied in the first place, i was already an intellectual without it.

i got home, and there the scene unfolded. my mother was sitting on the porch, gathering our belongings that the landlord threw out onto the curb after he tossed us out.

we had been behind on rent for a while after my mom lost her job, and i was only 16 and while some jobs did hire teenagers, most of them weren't hiring, because every 16 year old wanted a job as soon as they were of age, and the jobs that were hiring didn't hire teenagers. so i couldn't do much to pitch in, and my dad wanted nothing to do with helping me or my mother, besides the occasional child support check or sending my older sister here every other weekend to fufil the custody agreement.

it's not like we really wanted anything to do with him either, if anything we were struggling for my mom to get full custody of my sister as well, but only having 1 source of income really puts a dent in our funds.

so this was going to happen sooner or later, i just needed to keep it under wraps, because if people at school found out, the bullshit would never end. i already got enough shit for being gay and "slow".

no way would i hear the end of it if people knew i was homeless too. i might as well drop out of school if they found that out.

for the past week, my mother and i have been living out of our car. we didn't have any real options as to who we could stay with, so we slept in the car, and did hygiene stuff in public bathrooms. it was humiliating to say the least.

but today, all of that changed.

"gazzy, mi hijo, i've got great news," she started as i got in the car. "i found a place for us to stay."

relief clouded my face. i didn't care where we slept, as long as it was at a house and not in the car or the streets.

"where is it?" i asked, a bit too excitedly.

"well, one of my old friends from college said she'll let us stay there long enough for us to get on our feet and find a new place to stay of our own. i hope you don't mind living with other people?"

i shook my head. again, i didn't care. as long as it was a house, it was all gucci.

"good. i'm sure you'll love it there. ms. piñeiro even has a son around your age, i'm sure you two will get along great," she said with a hopeful smile.

see, i hated when parents did that shit. just because somebody is around my age doesn't mean we'll automatically be friends, if anything it meant the opposite, but for my sake and for our moms' sake" i really hoped i got along with ms. piñeiro's son.

i mainly hoped he wasn't a homophobe, because that would be a disaster. i deal with homophobic ass niggas enough at school, didn't need to deal with one at home too, already been there and done that.

maybe he would even be gay or bi.

we would be staying in hialeah, which wasn't too far from where we stayed anyway, so i could keep going to my same school and stay with my friends. hopefully we would have our own place by the time school starts back up though. by then i'd be 16, and able to get a job.

we made it to the house, which was a one story flat, but it'd be better than nothing.

as soon as i knocked on the door, ms. piñeiro opened the door and embraced my mother in a hug, and did the same to me even though we didn't know each other.

"i'm glad you two could get here safely!" she exclaimed as soon as we got into the house.

she and my mom engaged in small talk as she prepared dinner.

"you're so big now!" she turned her attention to me. "last time i saw you you were practically a baby."

"wow, that's crazy." i responded, since i didn't know how to reply to that.

"you two can unpack your stuff while i continue making dinner. we're having ropa vieja with rice."

my mouth watered at that. i might be small, but my appetite isn't.

"gazzy, you'll be sleeping in omar's room." she explained. "i'll show you where it is."

"who's omar?" i asked, tilting my head.

"he's my son," she replied as she lead me to his room. "he's around your age, so i hope you two get along. he's not here right now, but he'll be here for dinner."

like i said, parents loved saying that shit.

after she lead me to omar's room, she went back to the kitchen, and i pushed open the door and got ready to unpack my stuff.

my mom can never say that my room is messy ever again, jesus fucking christ. this nigga has the dirtiest room i've ever seen in my life. half eaten food on dirty plates, dirty socks on top of lamps, and of course, panties laying aroung.

well, i guess my question as to if he'd be gay like me would be answered.

when omar comes back from wherever he is, ima have to tell this nigga not to be so fucking dirty, like damn, i can't even hang up my clothes in the closet because i have to clear a path of his dirty ass clothes to get there.

whatever, i'd try to do this later, i ain't have the energy to go dumpster diving right now, i had food to eat.

as soon as i started to head back to the dining room, i heard the door opening and closing.

that must be omar.

i walked out, and soon i was face to face (not exactly because this nigga was tall as shit) with one of the hottest men i've ever seen.

he was at least 6'3, with thick arms that i would love to have choking me or pinning me against the wall. he had nice lips that i wanted him to use to eat me out with, and his face was chubby, but not in a way that made him look fat.

hold up, this is omar? i didn't expect him to be

i couldn't wait to let him fuck me in every room in the house. right after his dirty ass cleaned his room.

not only that, but he kinda looked familiar, even though i was sure i've never met him before. i couldn't put my finger on it, but i had a feeling that i knew him from somewhere

"omar, this is gazzy," his mother introduced us to each other, while we just sized each other up, not really saying anything.

all i knew was that i was going to have him buried in my ass by the time summer ended.

what the fuck am i doing? this nigga is most likely straight, and possibly a fuckboy too. once again, i saw all kinds of panties and thongs in his room. he probably gets pussy on a daily basis.

"dinner's ready, come get your plates."

i don't know about you, but i was hungry as fuck, and it sure as hell wasn't for no beef.

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