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(A/N: I don't really need to put 'Saori's P.O.V.' at the beginning unless I drastically change the point of view.)

I readjusted the strap of my katana on my shoulder. My patience was being tested by god today. He has sent me an annoying puppy who's asking me to literally chop him up into littler pieces and serve him as sushi. I laughed to myself at the thought of Inuyasha as a sushi roll cut up into ten pieces. I didn't notice that I had caught the attention of the hanyou who decided to walk beside me. 

    "Why are you laughing?" He asked, trying to seem cool and collected. 

    "Why not?" I smirked at him, trying my best to be the smart ass. Slowly, the vein of irritation appeared on Inuyasha's forehead. 

    "I was just asking, damn, you're a pain!" He barked at me. 

    "Well, I wouldn't be a pain if you'd just shut your trap!!" I yelled, our faces getting closer. I'm pretty sure the others could see the lighting of anger between Inuyasha and I.

Inuyasha was taken back by my outburst that he leaned back slightly. His golden eyes blinked widely, maybe he finally noticed how irritating he is. How did I even get involved with the whole Shikon Jewel? How am I suddenly traveling with them? 

   "Well, we have to get going." Kagome stated, packing the stuff away in her yellow back-pack. The group explained everything to me; well except Inuyasha, he said he refused to tell a 'tranny' anything, and I panicked that they were departing. I might never be able to see Kagome, the girl who's from my century. While panic was building up in me, I just yelled out randomly, "LET ME HELP!" while tugging on Kagome's sleeve. 

   'Oh thats right...' I sighed to myself, but I'm surprised I didn't get any objections. I'm not sure if Inuyasha wanted me to go or not, because he kept quiet. Its pretty obvious he didn't want me to go, maybe he was fearing Kagome's magical word. I really regret bumping into them, but then I wouldn't get to know what my world looks like know. Have they advanced in the technology? Are the foods better than they were before? It's only been a year though... I slapped myself in the face. Why am I over exaggerating?

    "You're stupid." I heard Inuyasha say plainly. 

    "W-What the hell?!"

    "Why are you dazing off in the middle of the road, you're basically easy lunch for demons."

I have had enough this mutt's attitude, so I did what any normal woman would do. I punched him right across the face. 

     "This is for before."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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