Chapter 5: Pixie Dust

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Well, that was exhilarating... now what?
I marched fearlessly farther into the deepness of the forest and reflected over what exactly I had just done. I publicly provoked Peter Pan, punched Peter Pan in his face, and placed myself in more danger than I had been upon arrival. Yes, I had done all of these things, but mostly I had proven to the lost boys that Peter Pan was not invincible. He actually seemed kinda weak; sure, he was intimidating, but other than being ruthless, tall, and annoying he didn't really seem that dangerous. The lost boys act as pawns for him, but chess games end with queens, and Peter Pan is most definitely not a queen.
So, I left camp... what's my plan now? I know he alone isn't invincible, but with the lost boys to fight he might come pretty clo-
Suddenly, "I beg to differ."
Oh favorite person. I turned to face Peter once again. My heartbeat picked up speed as I met his eyes, but I knew it was because I sensed the danger which radiated off of him. I might not be frightened of him, but I still needed to be cautious around him; he did after all command all other inhabitants of this island. Giving him a blank stare I answered, "Naturally."
I continued into the woods. Not now, I don't have time for you.
"On the contrary, you do have time for me. You see on Neverland-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Time doesn't pass; people don't age; Peter Pan is evil and stupid. Honey, I know. Now, if you don't mind I have your demise to plan" I interrupted and continued walking away.
"I , Peter Pan, command you. As a," he paused and made a disgusted face, "...person on my island, you are my possession and must do as I order."
"Once again: that's kinky."
I didn't. Contrary to his words and his ideas, I knew I didn't belong to him and I never planned to.
However, my feet began to slow and then they stopped. You bastard....
"You see..." he paused.
"Oh what? Still don't know my name? I told you that you could call me the bounty hunter."
His deep green eyes flashed with annoyance.
"You must see what I mean," I began to explain himself to him. "If you were truly as powerful as you claim and aspire to be, then these little outbursts and fits you have wouldn't happen. You wouldn't be as easily malleable by your emotions. Maybe you can use magic to control me, which as I might have mentioned is creepy, but I can control and influence you with just my words." I paused, then grinned and said, "And probably my looks too."
"Look here-"
"No. You look here. I'm-"
He cut me off. Harshly. As his hand struck my cheek, I took in a deep, sharp breathe.
"Well, if that's how it has to be." I through my fist at him, ducking as he swings an arm around in what I assume would have put me in a choke hold. I missed his face, however, with my punch due to a combination of both of our dodges. Quickly pulling my arm back in order that he cannot grab it, I move back into a fighting stance watching him for hints of what hit he will throw next. Suddenly, a leg swings around trying to trip me and I barley move away, which slightly cause me to loose balance but this time it's on my own terms. He sees my unsteadiness and moves in to strike again, but I snatch his fist in the air and twist his arm backwards tucking it under my arm, so that I hold him down ready to break his arm.
Sadly, before the opportunity comes, he slides his free elbow back hitting me in the stomach and I let go. I kick at him in the chest to get some distance between us. He raises an eyebrow at me as if asking Is that all? It's not. The urge to run at him swinging as hard as I can is nearly impossible to overcome, but I battle it anyway. I know better than to start a fight like this. I am afraid that it seems Pan also had learned a similar less.
I raise an eyebrow at him returning the inquisitive look on his face. Is that all you can do? I'm think trying to taunt him into making a foolish mistake, but we stand together facing one another, chests heaving from our outburst, both unwilling to start again, both unwilling to break the eye contact.
It seems that all my life has lead me to Neverland to end his reign. I had been on similar journeys before, and "The Bounty Hunter" was a name I had adopted while on one, but this was the first time that I had chosen a target myself. I wasn't being paid this time; I wasn't an assassin, and somehow I felt more satisfied than I had ever before, but a sense of uncertainty waivered in the furthest, darkest part of my mind about the end. I kinda wish he was just a bit more ugly, then I wouldn't mind breaking his face so much.
"You say, you never loose Pete....that's- how should I put it?- cute. Peter Pan, I always win."
I guess he decided he did not want to dignify me with a response, because a swirling cloud of opaque, green smoke encompassed him and he vanished.
Now that that's over with...for now. Where to start? The merpeople? The fairies? Probably the merpeople, if I remember correctly they know how to hold a nice long grudge.
I made my way through the forest away from the beach and ocean that I originally started at. I pulled out Baelfire's map of Neverland and located the lagoon. I knew I didn't want to go to the lagoon even though the merpeople would undoubtedly be there, but a commonly visited lagoon would be the place where one might look for fresh water, and I did not want to be predictable for Pan. I headed towards the other side of the island. This should be a fun hike...
     I thought over my plan with the merpeople. Merpeople hold grudges and keep loyalty very steadfast. Stories had been floating around about a mermaid named Ariel who had fallen in love his a mortal man. But, I couldn't count on some more human lovers; Ariel was both figuratively and literally a fish out of water, when it came to merpeople and human relationship, but if I know anything at all then I know the merpeople should  not my soon to be good pal Petey Pan.
     The trip to the other side of the island took me....longer than I would have liked I must admit, and an unplanned visit to the lagoon had to be made in order that I might take in some fresh supplies. However, upon arrival I was pleased with myself; I hadn't had any more encounters with Pan so far and I wasn't weakened by a wound or eminent death.
     The beach on the other side of the island was equally as stunning as the first. Glittering sand covered the shore along with thousands of pebbles, rocks, and stones worn away by the crashing waves to smooth surfaces what sparkled in the sun. Larger rock formations jutted out of the crystal blue sea which caught my eyes as where I would try to meet with the merpeople, so I took off my shoes and rolled up my pant legs and sleeves, tying up my hair away from my face into a bun. If I make a merperson mad, I do not want to give them another means by which to drag me into the water.
     I entered the gorgeous ocean and made my way to a large rock formation that I thought I could stand or sit upon while trying to win the merpeople over.
    I sat down on the rock and pulled out a small pouch from my waistband: pixie dust. Easy enough to get on land, but a real delicacy for merpeople. Not to say that they eat if, but apparently when used with mermish magic it had abilities not able to be accessed on land or by humans. I sat it next to me on the rock and waited.
     A long time passed before I got any result, but I remained patient. I glanced at the sky above me as the sun began to set paint the skies in reds and pinks enough to cover the world. But around four hours into my wait, a hand appeared and grabbed at the pouch sitting next to me.
     A mermaid had finally come to take it and now was my chance to bargain. "I need your help." I began.
     "We don't help humans," she spoke bluntly and matter-of-factly.
     "You, also, don't have pixie dust normally. Just listen to my plea. Please."
     "I refuse. I will commit no such treason to the merpeople as to help a human. You are arrogant creatures, so stupid of the times ahead of you."
     "I know we are, and that's why I need your help. Some insolent tyrant is reigning on that island and he steals children from their parents and homes and brings them here stopping them from aging and forcing them to train to fight for him. I'm here to stop him, but I cannot do it alone. I know that, and that's why I humble ask the help of the merfolk."
     She looked at me suspiciously, "Who are you?"
     "I can't tell you my name; names give people access into who a person is and if I allow any opportunity for the tyrant Peter Pan to know me at all, then I loose some of my edge on him. But, I'm going by the Bounty Hunter. I'm known across a few realms for helping people.... confront their pasts. Please consider helping me."
     She paused, "No." and moved to grab the pouch again, but I moved it away from her.
     "I have more pixie dust. And I can bring more and more other resource that are more difficult to get in the water."
     "We have our ways. Why would we need you?"
     I surpressed a grin because I knew I have finally peaked her interest, "While the sirens do work, there are ways to get around them, but someone who brings resources to do willingly is fail safe. You can have this pixie dust, but please take my pleas to the merpeople and please meet me again." I handed the bag out.
     "You'll have more next time?" She took the bag with a wet hand.
     I nodded, "And something else too."
     "I'll consider it." She said as her parting words and her cyan tail flicked the salty waves up towards me before she disappeared again beneath the blanket of ocean.
     I made my way back to the beach and began to build a fire for the evening. Pan must know I'm here. I wonder why he hadn't confronted me again. Perhaps he's already given up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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