I wandered out to the living room afterwards, where Dad and V were relaxing watching a show.

"Have you thought about L.A. anymore?" Vanessa asked me.

"Yeah," I said as I laid down. I set my head on Dad's leg and let my legs drape over the chair arm. Vanessa stroked my hair a little bit.

"And?" she prompted me.

"I'm worried I'll miss you and the boys and Aunt Shannon," I admitted.

"Oh, you won't be gone for that long," Vanessa said. "You deserve a break from the boys. You're constantly helping them."

"But won't they miss me?"

"Of course they will, but they'll be fine," she assured me. "You should go."

I looked up at Dad and he smirked down at me. "What's the matter? Don't wanna spend that much time with your old man?"

I smiled as I grabbed his hand, linking our fingers together. "You just can't live without me for a whole three weeks."

"Is that so?" he laughed, bopping my nose. "Presumptuous little thing."

I sighed as I wrapped his arm around me a little more. "I think I'll go."

"Great," he said, patting my arm with his free hand. "I'll book your ticket tomorrow."

I felt a wave of excitement, but also a wave of nervousness. It was a long time to be away. Still, I'd have my dad. And I'd have him all to myself.

"Good decision," Vanessa praised me. "You'll have so much fun together."

"Maybe you guys could come visit us for a weekend?" I suggested.

"Maybe," Vanessa said. "Travelling with two little boys might be a bit challenging."

I had to admit, a four hour plane ride with two children under the age of 6 sounded a bit daunting. That could all be worked out later. I was going to L.A. in a few short weeks.


After finding out how expensive pot was, I began to rethink my decision. I had a little bit of money in savings, but I didn't want to blow it. Aunt Shannon had spent almost $1,000 on me for clothes, so surely losing a few more joints wouldn't hurt them financially?

Next time I was there, I boldly took two more joints from their stash. It seemed to have grown again a bit. A fresh supply. I felt guilty taking them again, but I felt like I deserved a bit of a release. I was doing really well at school and I hadn't gotten in trouble at all lately.

It was a Friday, so I spent the night at Aunt Shannon's. We stayed up late gorging ourselves on cookies and chocolate, watching terrible romcoms. Aunt Shannon was kind of like my new best friend. She was hilarious and she liked spending money on me.

I slept in late the next day. It was almost 11:00 when she poked her head in the guest room and told me it was time to get moving. I yawned and stretched, found my slippers, and wandered out to the kitchen. I made myself some toast and tea and settled down in one of the bar stools.

"Any big plans for today?" Aunt Shannon asked me.

"No," I said. "I'll probably just hang around at home and then go out with friends tonight."

"Sounds fun," she said. "We're going to see Dear Evan Hansen tonight."

"Oooh that's a real tear jerker," I told her. Dad had taken me a while back and I spent half the show bawling. "Bring tissues."

"That's what I heard."

We chatted as I ate breakfast, then I took a shower and packed up my things. As I came back to the kitchen, Aunt Shannon's husband was eyeing me and she looked a little upset.

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