Part fourteen- Play fighting

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About a week went by and me and Crawford had been texting non stop. My feelings for him kept growing,I've never liked anyone as much as him in my life.

We hadn't seen each other since we met at the park and I missed him,i really did. We had strong feelings for each other and I knew I was the one holding us back from being together,it sucked.The worst part was I still hadn't told him about everything,i hadn't really found a good moment but I was determined to tell him today. We were planning to chill at his house and I couldn't wait to see him. We weren't together but I was nervous to meet his parents,he told me they'd probably be home.

I was on my way to his house when Out of nowhere he appeared,he came to meet me half way,he's so cute.

We got to his house and he invited me inside,we sat in the living room and started watching TV. Crawford sat right next to me,like really close,i found It adorable.

"Hey,you any good at video games?" he asked winking at me.

"I am actually." I replied smirking.

"Alright then,lets put that to the test."

We started playing mario kart because were cool like that and it was nice,just two kids having fun.

He beat me at the game so I started sulking as a joke. Crawford nudged me and told me it was just a game.

"I let you win." I laughed.

"Sure sure." he winked.

I nudged him back from when he nudged me before,we ended up play fighting,he tried to poke my leg so I rolled on to the floor to get out of his poke when he came up behind me and pinned me down gently by the arms.

"What are you staring at?" I asked.

"Your beautiful blue eyes."

I began to blush and right at that moment Crawfords brother,mom,dad and sister walked in all holding a bag of shopping each. We were on the floor play fighting like a young couple would do,it looked like we were together.

Forever (crawford collins)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя