Moving out

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Lara struggled upright on the sofa. “Joe don’t…” he pointed a finger at her.

“Shut up, let us get stuff ready, just eat.” She nodded shakily and struggled to her feet, in the kitchen Jay had thrown a pile of food into a bag, he handed her a hunk of bread and some cheese.

“I doesn’t keep, eat it.” He said to her, she bit into the bread and it dried out her mouth, saliva filled it and she pushed past Jay to vomit into the sink.

“Fuck, what’s wrong with her?” Luke demanded, rushing into the kitchen.

“I’m fine.” She gasped. “Just exhausted.” She turned and slid down the kitchen counter to the floor, hugging her knees. Jay handed her a glass of water and looked up at Luke.

“Give her a minute, what can I do?” Luke beckoned.

“Load the landy, we’ve got the supplies on the lawn.” Jay nodded and followed him out. The three men got the Land Rover packed and mounted a machine gun on the back of it. Suddenly they could hear rifle fire in the streets and the base crumbled behind them. “Holy shit! Get Lara!” Jay hurtled inside, she was curled up on the kitchen floor and he dropped to his knees.

“Lara!” She sat up and he grabbed her, carrying her out to the jeep, Joe had the door open and he hopped inside for Jay to pass her in. Jay opened the driver’s side door. “May I? I can drive fast.” He said urgently.

“Yes go for it.” Luke muttered, he clambered up onto the back of the Land Rover and readied the machine gun as Jay drove off the pavement and screeched down the road.

“Head South!” Joe yelled, Lara was still shuddering in his arms and he looked down at her. She’d gone white, her teeth chattering. “We’ll make for Base 103.” Jay manoeuvred the vehicle with skill through the streets, avoiding the main areas of conflict. Once they were into the countryside he drove them into a ditch and stopped, hands locked onto the steering wheel, panting. “Check her for hits.” He said breathlessly, turning round to Joe. “She looks like shock.” Luke wrenched open a door.

“Why have we stopped?” Jay ignored him and climbed through to the back, Joe was pale. “Joe?”

“He’s panicking, stick him in the passenger seat.” Jay snapped, leaning in and dragging Joe out, he collapsed down onto the ground and Luke knelt to help him. “Lara?” Jay patted her cheek and her eyelids fluttered. “Lara hun, did you get hit?” She tried to shake herself, wake up. He laid her flat and drew her knife, she flinched and he grinned. “Gonna have to learn to trust me.” He grunted, cutting open her jacket and vest, he sat back, putting the knife between his teeth and unbuttoning her shirt gently. “There we go.” He said through his teeth. “Luke, she must be bandaged tight.” He called, Luke jogged round the Landy with a length of bandage.

“Babe, not a lucky day.” He said, grinning at Lara, she strained to see the wound, looking down. Luke leant in and helped Jay wrap the bandage around her, binding it tight. She gasped in pain as Jay tied it off.

“Have I lost a lot of blood?” The slash in her side was on fire and her head was spinning. She reached for Jay’s hand and he pulled her up, she was clammy with sweat.

“I’d say a little but not enough to take you down.” He said with a broad grin. “Shall we go?” She nodded and Luke hopped in beside her, putting an arm around her to support her as the Landy jolted on the rough ground.

A few hours later Luke took over the driving. Jay climbed up beside Lara and studied her for a moment. “Are you alright?” He asked, feeling her forehead. She nodded slightly and he felt her shift closer to him, in response he put his arm around her. She nestled in against him, laying her head on his chest. He smelled like smoke and sweat, his chest hard underneath his shirt. Suddenly she raised her head.

“You’re not wearing a vest…?” She asked softly.

“There wasn’t one left…you had the last one.” He murmured, she met his gaze. “Trust me now?” She shrugged then winced, leaning back against him. “When we get to Base 103…?” She looked up at him. “They will arrest me again?” Luke cleared his throat.

“No…we’ll do something.” He said glancing round. “You’ve made it pretty clear that you’re not working with us under any half measures.” Lara closed her eyes and wrapped an arm around Jay. She felt secure, he held her firmly against him, he felt warm and solid.

Luke pulled up a few miles from the base. Joe had fallen asleep as had Lara but as he stopped Jay shifted and looked out of the window. “Well they’re obviously checking everyone before letting them in.” Luke muttered getting stiffly out of the Landy and stretching. Jay climbed out as well, waking Lara. She shuffled to the edge of the seat and slid down clumsily.

“Here’s what we’re gonna do.” Luke started stripping off his clothes. “I’m clad head to foot in the best of base fashion, let’s muddle our clothes together for a start.” Jay nodded and started pulling off his clothes.

“There will still be one problem.” He said slowly, as he tugged off his shirt Lara’s eye fell on a tattoo on his arm.

“Shit.” He turned to her and took her knife from her belt again, tapping the tattoo.

“Remove it for me.” He said to her, her eyes widened and she took the knife slowly. “Do it.” He looked at her. “I cannot be locked up again.” She looked at Luke who nodded and took hold of Jay’s arm, holding it down against the Land Rover roof. Lara gripped the knife and patted Jay’s cheek.

“Grit your teeth wonderboy.” She murmured, she cut into his skin fast and smoothly, his cry bringing sweat to her brow. In seconds she’d cut the tattoo away and pressed her hand to the wound. He groaned and tightened his arms around her while the pain faded to a throb. She gasped as he squeezed her, he pressed his face into the back of her neck and she could feel his breaths, short and sharp against her skin. Luke patted his back.

“Good job. Here get these on and let’s get ourselves in out of the cold.” Jay released Lara slowly, breathing hard, he looked embarrassed and she patted his cheek. With a soft laugh.

Once they reached the crush of people, in cars and vans, on bikes and jeeps Luke turned off the engine with a sigh. “Think it bought them any time in the end?” He said in the sudden stillness.

“Yes…it will have held them off for a while.” Jay murmured, his hand wrapped around his bloody sleeve. Lara shifted, she could feel herself getting drowsy. She put a hand to her side and it felt wet to the touch.

“Jay?” She said softly. He looked at her, she was holding her hand strangely, looking at it, he followed her gaze.

“Fuck. Luke she needs help.” He flung the door open and leant in. “I’ll carry her in, you bring Joe in in the jeep.” Luke nodded. “Come here.” Jay murmured, easing Lara into his arms. She was fighting to stay awake, to help him as he moved her but her vision was starting to cloud. She felt very cold. “You Miss Daniels, just need a greater amount of fluid in that skinny body of yours.” He grunted, shifting her into is arms.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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