Out of her hands

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Three weeks later Lara sat on the edge of the snow white bed, she was dressed in a short black dress, a pair of grey leggings covering up her bruised legs. She studied the back of her hand. Flexing her fingers and feeling the ache where the canula had been sited. “Look who’s up!” Joe strolled into the room followed by Luke and she gave them a rare smile.

“They said I can leave.” She nodded at the bag of tablets beside her. “I have to take all these though.” Luke picked it up and studied the boxes. “One’s a sedative still, one’s an anti-depressant and there are antibiotics and vitamin supplements.”

“Well at least you can get out of this shit hole.” Luke murmured with a cheeky grin as the doctor came into the room.

“I have down that Miss Daniels is to be released into the care of a…Luke Franklin of the…fifth patrol and Joseph Marks who is a…military prison overseer?” He said, studying the sheets on a clipboard at the end of Lara’s bed.

“That’s us, Joe.” Joe offered a hand and the doctor shook it. “What do we need to know.” The doctor gave him a dry smile.

“I was wondering if you’d like to step outside for a moment, Lara we won’t be a minute.” He smiled gently at her and she gave a nod. They followed him out into the sterile corridor, it smelled of disinfectant among other things. The doctor shut the door with a soft click and faced them. “Lara is still very fragile…her body is recovering gradually but in herself she is frail.” The other two men nodded and the doctor sighed. “The issue we have here is that I cannot offer a significant enough diagnosis that is…nothing concrete enough for the base and central control to pull her off active duty. She fell off the grid for a while during her absence but there will unfortunately be consequences and I suspect…she will be put back on light duties within the week.” Luke swore under his breath and the doctor nodded. “Yes…I uh…well my recommendation under usual circumstances would be greater recovery time and effective rehabilitation to bring her back to her normal life which…she may never manage.” He flicked through the clipboard then looked up at them. “However, a proactive approach might be in order and I would suggest that she applies for a position that will allow some recuperation as opposed to being assigned a task that will set her back.” He tore off a strip of paper. “This is a current list of posts, I pulled some strings to get hold of it.” Joe took it and scanned down the list before passing it to Luke.

“Christ…” Luke sighed.

“There is little more I can say or do.” Joe shook the doctor’s hand with a grim smile followed by Luke.

“Thank you doctor.” He nodded and opened the door to let them back in before hurrying away.

“Ok Lara, let’s go.” Joe said brightly, she got to her feet and he was glad to see she appeared steady albeit in a body that bore no resemblance to the healthy woman she had been. Luke swung her bag onto his shoulder and the three of them made their way into the bright sunshine, it was chilly and Joe draped his jacket round Lara’s shoulders, opening the car door for her to climb in.

“Are we going to your house again?” She asked once they’d pulled onto the road.

“Yeah, you’re staying until you’re stronger, we’ve informed the base.” She nodded and trained her eyes on the view from the window.

“Have you heard from Kieran?” She asked suddenly, there was a pause.

“He’s in the field right now.” Joe said quietly. “Not sure when he’s back.” She nodded then met his eyes in the rear view mirror.

“AWOL huh?” Joe made a face and nodded. “What about Amy?”

“She’s moved inland.” Luke said gently. “After what happened I think she wanted a change of scene.” Lara nodded but the car fell silent again.

At the house she got out and looked up and down the street. “I always think how strange it is that this is a warzone.” She said slowly. “I mean, we drive cars, the kids go to school, we have a hospital and a bank… odd.” Luke chuckled and gave her a nudge.

“Yeah well they couldn’t knock us so hard here that we wouldn’t push back.” Lara nodded and they walked up the path, feet crunching on the gravel. “Not many people remember what it was like here when it all started, you’re one of the few.” She nodded and Joe let them into the house. “Have a seat and let’s have some lunch, we’ve got to have a chat about what’s going to happen.” Luke said gently. There was a beep and Joe hit the play button on the answerphone.

“This is sergeant Drake from control, I was hoping to contact Lara Daniels, I understand she is in the infirmary but if I could have a return call asap that would be much appreciated. Failing that I will send written confirmation of a set meeting time which it will be compulsory to attend. Thanks very much. Bye.” Lara laughed slightly.

“They don’t waste time.” Joe made a face.

“Nope, fuck knows how patrol seven has even functioned without you. You’re a pretty big cog for this machine to have lost.” She shoved his shoulder.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” He laughed and pulled out a chair, sitting down, he looked tired. “I uh…I wanted to say thanks.” She said quietly, looking at them both. “It can’t have been an easy time for you guys either but without you…” she shrugged and Luke enveloped her in a hug.

“Well we couldn’t let the great Tanard Base lose a good soldier.” He said, his expression deadpan. “It was essential to get you back on your feet.” She grinned and Joe hugged her as well.

“I don’t know if I’m on my feet enough yet to cope with them…” she added, sitting down slowly. Luke and Joe exchanged looks, there was a soft rustle in the pause as she played with a scrap of paper on the table. “I’m not an idiot…how long do you reckon before…” Joe cut her off and slid into a chair opposite.

“A week.” She whistled. “The doctor gave us a list of current posts, he said give them a shot across their bows by applying instead of waiting for a poor position to be assigned.” She held out a hand and he handed her the piece of paper, they watched her as her eye scanned down the list.

“They’re not great but…” Luke started.

“But I can’t do what I used to do…look boys they won’t assign me to something I’ll fail at, I’ll talk to this sergeant Drake, see what he says.” 

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