Chapter 4.5: Her original Twin-Flame

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A long time ago a fallen angel broke free from his prison called "Hell". The demon's hatred for humanity was clear in his eyes as he slaughtered villages. He became known in many cultures as the devil which Lucifer himself did not appreciate at all. Lucifer had a fight with the demon and manage to take away most of his demonic power. Jesperius fell to the level of a third grade demon. A vampire. Now he simply roamed the earth, always thirsty never satisfied, no taste of human food. Though he didn't care. He would have his revenge on humanity for causing his demise.

Several centuries passed and he became bored. He had created an empire of vampires, yet he was not satisfied. A young maiden was thrown at him. A female servant of his slit her throat and let the blood pour into a golden cup as she presented it to her emperor. He saw the blush in her face. He knew that most of the women and men were attracted to him. At this thought he couldn't help but snort. Jesperius true form would bring them to tears and arouse their sex as quick as a child begs for the mother's milk. The dead young maiden was taken to the chambers where she would be turned into an undead. His cold eyes flashed past the rest of the human slaves until they stopped at one certain female. He didn't know what it was with her. He whispered into the female servant's ear and she simply went and led the young female to the bathroom, more like a big hall flooded with water and rosepetals.

It was clear that the human female was scared. Although she didn't show it on her face her body failed to hide whatever intentions she had. Kill him? No blades in the world could scratch him. The female knew she couldn't go anywhere and simply begged him not to touch her. He stopped his movements and got up from the bath. He wasn't a rapist. If he hadn't told the female servants to take good care of her stay in the castle they would have made her miserable. Even just spending som quality time with their dear emperor would satisfy them. Yet this human bitch had squandered away such an oppurtunity that everyone longed for her. They would indeed take good care of her.

Nobody understood why their emperor cared so much about a simple human being. She wasn't even that great looking but they did wish they had not interfered in their emperor's plans. Now they had to pay with their life for it. All because of that human female that now had somehow turned into their empress. A conspiracy against empress was to be punished with torture but they had been loyal to him so they were spared from torture and simply faced death.

For this human woman he was willing to slaughter his own people. For her he was willing to stop hurting humans which made them stronger and soon rebelled against the vampires that lost because of the emperor's orders.

The empress even seemed more powerful than the emperor but her heart did not belong to him. It belonged to a prince for she used to be a princess that once was engaged with the prince. Although this vampire had deflowered her and tainted her she still believed that her prince would show up but until then she would pretend to love this vampire whom she had started to slowly have feelings for.

Years passed. The empress had been turned into one of them but she still believed that her prince's heart would still remain with her. She was wrong.

In fact the prince, now a king, was married and had a lovely wife. When his previous fiancée showed up in the middle of the night he was both shocked and also filled with joy until he saw what she had become. He was about to kill her when she mentioned how she had become the vampire emperor's empress and he decided to make use of it to free this world of all those evil creatures. The he would be known throughout history as the hero of the world.

The vampire empress did not suspect a thing of her previous fiancée's disgust with her as she aided him, believing that as soon as the Demon Lord was gone they would live happily ever after. The plotted his death but in the end the vampire princess who had come to love the vampire emperor couldn't kill him and decided to take her own life as a sacrifice to spare her human lover's kingdom. The vampire emperor misunderstood her action and thought she had done it out of love for him. To sacrifice her life so that she wouldn't become a hinder for the slaughter that would happen next.

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