•Chapter 2•

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•No one's POV•
Ink was sent home with their brother,Dust, Dust was a hardcore edge boy but when it comes it family,He was very soft and really harmless. Dust would jump onto the couch.The remote would bounce off the couch on the floor "Fff.." Dust would try grabbing it but it was no use "Ya know what whatever.." He said as he just lets his arms swing on the couch's arm. Ink would come down the stairs,With some bird food "Errr.. Dust you okay there." Ink would ask,being confused over the situation "Mmmm..Yeah,I'm okay." Dust was half asleep,He is very lazy "Okay?" Ink would say with some confusion in their voice "I'm going outside to put some bird food in the bird house." Ink would switch on the back porch light,humming a lil tune "Nooo..Waittt...I need helppp.." Ink would slam the door on the poor Dust. Dust would inhale and exhale "I'm just gonna be here then,Alone.With no one." He was hoping Ink would heat this buuuut they didn't "fuck you too then-" Dust would cover his mouth and narrow his eyes.He would lay down normally and close his eyes.

Ink would walk to the bird house.The bird house was destroyed "Darn it.." Ink said "probably some of those dang rodents-" Ink would hear some footsteps in front of them self's "Hello?" Ink would say out loud "Dust? I'm kinda not sorryyy- I'm sorry I slammed the door on you." Still,No answer.

The porch light would be smashed,leaving Ink in the dark with something or someone. Ink would gulp.

The brothers I found in my backyard  (A Error x Ink x Fresh story)Where stories live. Discover now