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First love. That one great love. Usually people will call it; The One That Got Away.

Why they went away is one of the unsolved mysteries of the world we live in. One day, you're fine going about your usual routine, then suddenly, this amazing, magical person comes your way and everything changes.

You get to know each other, have fun together and it felt like everything will last forever. You finally felt that genuine happiness that everyone in love is raring about! For the first time in your life, you realize, you were looking for that person all this time, and now, they're right in front of you. You then get to say, "It's good to be alive."

But, time passes and as the saying goes; All good things must come to an end. That genuine happiness abruptly shuts down. You try to hold onto it, like a balloon you've accidentally let go and try to run after, hoping you'll be able to grab the end of the string.

You suddenly ask yourself, what or how it happened. You try to figure out what you've done wrong. When the person was asked, no straight answer was given. And just like that, they're gone.

You wish you could have done more. Many things that you could have said or done runs through your mind. But no matter how much you think about it, cry about it or get angry about it, you already know deep within your heart, that there really is nothing more you can do.

So...there it is, that numbing feeling of something missing. A searing pain, so painful you don't know how to react anymore. No alcohol in the world could make it stop or numb it enough for you to move on. Should you cry? Should you just ignore it? Should you be angry or just lie down in despair? As if you can't decide which should come first, you end up becoming this, cold, unfeeling individual who lost all the care in the world. You are alive, but dead inside.

Time does not heal all wounds but it does help to lessen the pain and sufferring at some point. Like a dressed wound, cleansed till it dried up, only scars are left. A reminder of the pain you used to endure. You found it uncanny that you were able to get back to your old routine, one way or another.

You realized, that you were actually ok as an individual, even before you met the other. But with the sudden loss of that person's presence, may it have been a simple break up due to varied reasons or due to unfortunate events, it just wasn't the same. You know, that it will never be the same. But well, life goes on.

With that in mind, this book is a compilation of letters I never sent to that one that got away. An expression of things I wish I would have done, things I would have said but never did. I hope everyone can relate and realize that they were never alone with the experience.

Everyone has the capacity to love and be loved but same goes in getting hurt. In life, we all need to experience pain and suffering in order to survive. Life's tribulations is what makes us who we are.

And as one of my favorite song goes; "You've made me stronger, by breaking my heart...". It did make me stronger, alright. He gave me a story to tell and I hope you pick up something from it.

Happy reading!😊😘

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