Chapter 2

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Aurora's P.O.V.

“Would you like to tell me what happened a few minutes ago...” Aubrey and I sat there not saying a single word. During this silence I still couldn’t figure out: why is the principle’s nose so long? I don’t even know his name. Do I call him prince like “Hey prince what’s up bro!”

I was trying to distract myself. But this whole situation wasn’t our fault, it was Ryder. He thinks he is oh so cool and all the ladies love him. I needed to stop, I'm going to make myself cry and then make Aubrey cry, but it would be fun to see the Prince cry. Shut up Aurora!

The principal's office was B-O-R-I-N-G. Oak this, oak that; brown chairs, brown desk. It was like he bought a twin pack of everything. I could see it. Walking into some furniture store and the furniture expertise says, “Hello sir, we’re having a sale if you buy this lovely oak coffee table you get this just as lovely desk.” He would oh and ahh over how truly lovely they both are and he would say “I’ll take both!”

“Excuse me girls, can you please answer my question.” We crossed arm arms over our chests. Still we were silent.

“Girls answer my question.” Mr. Prince in his mighty chair was about to lose his temper but I knew he was trying to keep his cool.

“Fine we’re not going to talk unless you call are parents.” I said.

“Will that get you to talk then.” He made a baby face after he said this.

“Yes.” Aubrey and I both said.

“Si senorita” Prince and I give Aubrey a weird look. Didn’t she know senorita was Ms. not Mr.?

“Sorry I just came out of spanish.” Aubrey said.

“Ok?” Prince got up to use the phone and call our parents.

“Aubrey, do you realize you just called him a girl, right?”

“Yeah but he doesn’t know” Aubrey whispered, her hand up to my ear.

We had to wait for almost about an hour, Prince still wasn’t back.

I looked at the pictures, one of his children, and one of this year’s talent show, the one we were suppose to be in. It was the winner, Ryder with baggy blue jeans, out date 90s blazer that was probably from Goodwill, and a white t-shirt. And I’m guess the runner up who was dressed up as a farmer girl and a pig in her hand. I didn’t want to see her talent. They both stood with Prince in between them.

“Hey girls. How are you?” Mom said while coming happy with a fake, but convincing, smile on her face. Why are you so happy? Did you see the look on Mr. Prince’s face when he greeted you? Your not suppose to be happy when you're in the principal’s office.

Prince pulled up a seat next to Aurora, Mom got the oak chair. I guess she’s more special than the girls that look like each other. “So now will you girls tell me what happened?”

“Why not.” Aubrey and I look at each other waiting for who was going to explain first. Mom, who was sitting there, wearing red lipstick and a small confused smile. Mr. Prince waited for a response from one of us, a big smirk on his face.

“Well...I was showing someone who my favorite band was. Which by the way is IM5. You should really look them up their amazing, especially Cole Pendery. Them eyebrows though. Anyway Ryder was in front of me and I was watching their problem cover you know by Ariana Grande. OH MY GOSH! I love when Cole sings his part, mmm perfection. Man that boy is FINE!” Aubrey had her pointer and thumb in a circle and the rest sticking up, making more clarification on perfect the cover and most definitely IM5 were. I looked at Mom, and I knew what she was thinking, “How embarrassing for me to sit here and having my daughter explain something bad that has happened. And half way through it she’s talking about how hot some boys are.” Aubrey continued, “Will also has an amazing voice. And so does Dana. Then it got to the part where David, the new member of IM5, and Gabe, my hispanic friend, started to rap. It was playing and it got to Gabe and Ryder turns around and says “Turn dat shit off. He can’t rap.” So I said “You can’t either.” Which by the way, he can’t rap. Have you heard him?”

Mr. Prince chuckles, ”In fact I have, and he can rap. Who do you think won this year’s talent show?”

Ugh! I hated his tone he used with us. He talked to us like we were some idiots that didn’t listen to anything he says. Why would Prince be into rap as much as he’s displaying, he’s a principle he’s not suppose to like it.

“Aurora and I would have won. If you would have let us enter. But I guess Ryder and our act were so similar.” I was letting Aubrey fight both our battle, when I should have helped. But I couldn’t find any words to come out. I was frozen in a big cube of ice and I couldn't breathe. I tried to breathe in and out of my nose. They usually helps when I’m stressed with my homework or when I’m just about to take my test. No this was a different kind of nervousness. Maybe this one didn’t have a cure.

“Would you like to add anything?” Prince looked at me, I hate this weird feeling inside of me. Prince’s look was evil and sick almost like he liked looking at us.

I moved my head side-to-side. I couldn’t speak even if my life depended on it.

“Aurora what’s wrong with you?” Aubrey said. That’s when it happened, I started to cry, like the baby I was. I didn’t know what came over me but I just cried. Eyeliner rain down my face one by one in little rain drops. Then this rush of heat ran through me.

“This isn’t fair,” I shouted. “And don’t start by telling me that life isn’t fair, I already know that. Its not our fault, its fucking Ryder’s. Oh god I can’t stand Ryder, he’s just so jealous of everybody else.  I should have just punch him right in his fucking eye ball and give him a nice. I F-"

“That’s enough young lady! Don’t use that tone in my office again. And why don’t you girls just be nice to Ryder for once. He’s a nice guy, plus he’s going through a rough time.”

“Everyone is going through hard times right now, we’re freaking teenagers for god sake!” I yelled at him. Then I realised what all I have said. I just made everything worse. We are going to get in trouble because I was swearing at him.

I could hear the bird chirping outside his glass window, that’s how quiet it was. The stupid picture of Ryder was still sitting on the shelf, mocking me.

“Hey principle, have you ever known what it feels like to be in love with a boy band or girl group or what gender you into? And I’m not saying like you think you’re going to marry them, but you feeling a connect, their almost like family to you. And the fandom feels like family too. You can connect with each other, where everyone seems to understand each other. ” Aubrey said.

“ I haven’t. That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Are you calling my sister stupid, Prince...I mean Mr. Principle?” I said.

“You know what, I’m sick and tired of all this bullshit you girls are giving me. Can you just leave my office for today. We can talk about this later.”  

“But Mr. Principle I thought you told us not to swear?” Aubrey said with a smile on her face.

I countered with, “Yeah, Prince. Should you be setting a better example for us?” I didn't even care I called him the wrong name.

“Girls just please get out of my office.”

“Okay.” We both said, pretending that we were both hurt.

Reason number one why I like being a twin, you can anger people with your twin telepathy. Like how the vain on Ryder’s forehand wouldn’t stop growing. Or just now how we are walking out of Prince's office. Ahh, the benefits of being a twin.

“Girls, what am I going to do with you two.” Mom sighed, “I’ll just bring you two home, I’m sure you don't want to stay here after all of that.”

I forgot she was even in there that whole time. I knew she wasn’t going to say anything when Prince swore, she’s to scared to say anything. I wonder who we got our confidence from.

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