5 - Mission

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POV: Baker (28)

We were send to Russia. An "agency" there had made researches which actually aren't legal. But we are interested in the results too. We just have to find the documents as a proof. LB pretend to be a russian journalist and wants to make an interview with the boss. Meanwhile I can snoop around...

POV: LB (26)

I sit in the office of the boss and ask him out about his work in general. Then a man walks in and whisper something to him.
I feel a bit uneasy... Luckily I speak russian without an accent. Then he asks 'Не могли бы вы говорить со мной по-английски?' (Could you speak english with me?)
'Конечно' (Of course) I say. I am bewildered. We continued talking.
Now I speak english with a strong russian accent because he would have noticed if I talk with my australian accent.
Suddenly the door opened and 3 tall, strong men enter the room. Between two of them stands Bradley. I am shocked! One of the men comes over to me.
I want to move backwards but he already grabbed me and twisted my arm to my back.

They has bring us to a warehouse and handcuffed us with cable ties. Such a stupid idea! As soon as they leave us alone and they were gone we break free of our 'handcuffs'.
'By the way, I have found the documents. I took photos and send it to Spectrum.' he says.
'At least something' I say.

We take a stand at both sides of the door and when one of the guys come to look for us Bradley knock him out.
Together we run out in the cold air of the night. The terrain is huge with many little buildings. No good conditions.
We sprint but then we hear the sirens. Damn it !
Then Bradley yells 'Down !'
Like its a reflex I fall down. Just in time.
Then bullets are flying above our heads.
We crawl on and after we are out of danger we start to run again.
Right in the arms of the men from half an hour ago. Luckily we are really good in hand to hand combat so we try to fight our way out. But then one of them pull out a knife and hit Bradley in the shoulder.
He collapses. It is like I feel his pain too but I can't help him now. But if I do nothing he will bleed to death ... and that will kill me.
They kick after him. Again and again.
So I do the only thing I can do.
I lay down on him and protect him with my own body. I take all the hits and kicks for him and I wait for our team to show up.
After a few minutes (which feels like hours) I hear a helicopter. A Spectrum SWAT-Team touch down and fight against the men till me and Bradley are safe.

POV: Harper

The helicopter arrive at our provisionally 'HQ'. Baker is brought in. He looks really bad. I mean he is good-looking as ever, of course but his condition seems to be really bad. Immediatly I sew the wound on his left side. But he has lost much blood.
It will gets critical if he don't get a transfusion. 'Have anybody the blood type AB- ?' I ask the crowd of agents. Everyone shakes their heads. Unfortunately this type of blood is really rare. 'But I have' says a pretty gravelly voice behind me. Samuel Colt helps LB to walk. She doesn't look better then Baker. 'Are you really fine enough to do this?' I ask.
'Harper, I am almost beaten to death but I haven't lost much blood. It will work!' LB says.

POV: Bradley       (next morning)

I wake up in a room I don't know. Probably a hotel room. My shoulder aches but I can bear it. LB lays beside my. She is still half asleep. I want to pull her closer to me but when I touch her she moans and hisses 'Stop it!' Oh ... is she in bad mood ?
She turns around to me ' How ya going?' She asks.
'Not that bad.' I say 'and how are you?'
'I'm fine. 'She says but I know that she is lying. Despite the bruises on her face and neck she is so beautiful.
'You are lying!' I say
'Nonsense! I'm alright.' She denys
'Show me your injuries' I say
'No' Now she gets a bit angry.
What does she hide? Why doesn't she want me to know? Why she doesn't want to show me? What had happened to her?'
It looks like her back is hurting.
'Show me your back.'
'NO. Why are you so interested in MY injuries?'she says
Now I get angry too. I grab her arms.
'Stop! You're hurting me.'
'Lay down !' I say. I push her down.
Something in her eyes changes.
'Don't move.' I say.
I lift up her nightdress and I am shocked!
Her whole back is blue and purple. So many bruises. At every touch she winces.
I caress down her spine a last time and then she turns around.
'Why don't you say anything?' I ask
'Shut up! Stop talking to me.' She says
'What ...?'
'You have imposed your will on me! You have subjected me! You aren't allowed to do this. Nobody is allowed to do this!'
'I am so sorry.' I say. She is REALLY angry.
'I promise I will never do that to you again.' I say
'You shouldn't do it again! One more time and I leave.'  She says
'Actually I owe you something. You saved my live ... again. You even sharr your blood. Not anybody would do that. I am such an idiot, how can you love me?' I say.
She looks me in the eyes. 'Because you are my idiot.' And she kisses me...

Again sorry for the bad english! I hope you like the story and please let me know what you think about it.

Ruby Redfort (LBaker) -Remember me- Fanfiction/oneshots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant