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Type: Song Drabble

Pairing: KibaHina/NaruHina

Genre: Angst

Short drabble on Kiba's regret while attending her wedding.

P.S i was gonna write on ShikaIno but KibaHina is basically my oxygen.

All alone I watch you watch him

Like he's the only boy you've ever seen

You don't care you never did

You don't give a damn about me

Years... They spent time together; Trained together, eating together, hang out together, doing almost everything together... for years... Kiba couldn't fathom what else could he do to make the girl of his dream to notice him. He did almost everything except well— confessing to her because he knew well that she doesn't feel the same way towards him. Hell— whole village knew about her feelings towards Naruto.

Even worst, Kiba watched her adoring him for years...

Yeah all alone I watch you watch him

He's the only thing you've ever seen

How is it you never notice

That you are slowly killing me

Have she ever notice him? *smh* Well— maybe.. But not like how he wants her too.. It's crazy though because his stupid crushing been going for so long and it makes him feel even stupid for unable to forget about it. He knew well that she would never notice him but why the fuck did he still keep hoping that she will? Love... *badump*

Kiba clenched his fist on his chest.


The feeling is call love...

This is no longer about his stupid childhood crush..

It's love...

And even if he knew it by now, it's already hella late and it's killing him.

I hate you I love you

I hate that I love you

Don't want to, but I can't put

Nobody else above you

Sighing, the Inuzuka forced a smile on his lips and ruffles her hair like he always did. "Congrats on you wedding, Hina-chan."

"T-thank you, Kiba-kun." She replied timidly but her smile crooked a little as worried start to show on her face, "i-is something wrong?" She asked worriedly, reaching for his face and brush her delicate thumbs on his cheek. Kiba closed his eyes as her thumb contacted with his skin.. He hates this. All of this. He hates that he still have feeling for her. He hate that he still actually wishing that he's the groom instead of Naruto.

He put up another smile on his face as he stared longingly at her, "Everything's fine," he lied as his hand automatically slick her tangled hair to the back of her earlobe. "Just can't believe that you're married ahead of me and Shino, heheh," he winked.

A blushed crept on her cheek, followed by a little shy smile that Kiba always love seeing on her. It suits her well. She was going to say something back to him but they were interrupted by someone who called for her. "Ah- I-I'm sorry, Kiba-kun,"

"Nah, just go. Do your thing."

Hinata looked at him with that same worried look once more and Kiba sighs. Women. So friggin' sensitive with people feelings, he thought. "Stop worrying, just go."


"You better stop worrying or I'll finish off all the cinnamon rolls," he warned, flicking her forehead. Hinata gave him a little pout while rubbing her aching forehead, "T-then, let's go together."

The Inuzuka sighs, "I need to get Shino. I wonder where he went," he said, pretending to look around, looking for the bug shinobi, though he was practically lying since he actually knew where the other guy at. "I'll be with you as soon as I found him, aight?"

and finally she nods but still giving him a final look before went towards their friends who's busy taking photos with one another. Kiba watched her mingling with the rest of their friends and cuddling up with Naruto as people taking photos with them, congratulating them.

He hate that he wish that he was him. No matter how hard he try to be like Naruto, he knows.. He know that, in her eyes, he will never be him.

I hate you I love you

I hate that I want you

You want him, you need him

And I'll never be him

"It's okay, man. There's plenty of fish out there."

Kiba jumped at the familiar voice and groaned, "Sheesh, Shino. Could you please stop appearing out of nowhere."

Shino just gave him an incredulous look and took another bite of his cake before leaving the Inuzuka alone. He's been watching his two teammates for as long as he could remember and how he wish that at some point, Kiba did realize that Hinata didfeel the same towards him but he was just too blind and stupid to realize it.

But yeah.

It's his lost.

Shino shook his head and went for a second serving.

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