Chapter 1- weirdly new-

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[Author's word: Thank You so much for choosing this story like I said in the description this is my first time so please don't judge
⚠️ WARNING: In this story, it will contain Cursing/ swearing; SELF HARM; and A lot of grammar mistakes. If any of these bothers you or might hurt you in any way please click away and I want to thank you for your time; read at your own risk! Thank you!]
[y/n] : your name
[f/n] : friend name
[f/c] : favorite color
[l/n] last name
[h/c] : hair color
[h/l] : hair length
Enjoy <3

Everything was white, except the huge countdown in front of my eyes.

30 seconds . . .

I sat down and just flash-backed every memory possible before it all ended. 

20 seconds . . . I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

I slowly open my eyes...the bright light took me some time to adjust my eyes. After a while, I stood up from my bed and walked to my wardrobe to pick my outfit for school. After changing I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then take the steps to the kitchen where my mom was standing making breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" She asked with her usual sweet and calm voice. I loved my mom, she was always gentle, caring, loving, and all of the above.

"Good morning mom and I slept pretty well!" As I reply I hear footsteps coming from behind. It was my father, and well, we don't have the best relationship. He was rude and he didn't seem to like me all that much I'm not sure why but no matter what I still cared for him, he is my father after all. He sat by the table as I make my way back to my room to take my bag. As I reach for my bag I heard a sound:
"Crack" . . .sounded like a branch just got stepped on. I turn my head to where the sound came from. Weird much, I thought to myself. So I made my way to the window but I was greeted with nothing... just birds singing on the tree branches. 
I pushed the thought away and took my bag and headed back to the living room where the breakfast was waiting for me to shove it all in my mouth. 

~Time Skip~
As I was walking to school, something caught my eye. On the ground laid a pair of orange goggles...the glass looked kinda smudge. I picked it and took a closer look at it. Then, a young boy, about my age, snapped the goggles out of my hand. He wore a black hoodie and had his hood over his head, I couldn't see how he looked like but I could tell it was definitely a male.

"D-didn't your p-parents *tic* told you not to p-pick things up from the floor?" He asked me, he shuttered and tic, I wouldn't question about it. Might be rude...
"Umm H-hello? I-I'm talking *tic* to you! What, are you deaf?" This time, I snapped out and jumped a little.
"S-sorry...i didn't know it was yours I just picked it up and-" I heard him groan and sighed. What could possibly make his day this miserable?
"I-it's ok but *tic* next t-time you shouldn't do *tic* that, it might belong to someone e-else *tic*". Jesus, salty much? Though he shuttered a lot...wonder what might have caused him to have all those shuttering and ticking, I also noticed he twitches from time to time. I look at the time: 7:58 crap the school starts in 2 minutes! 
"Sorry, I have to go and I'll be careful next time." I wanted to roll my eyes, bet you if I ever found something on the road I would still pick it up-  I gave him a quick wave and sprint my way to class. Luckily I wasn't late. "What an unusual morning," I thought.
I made my way to the locker where [f/n] was waiting.

"[y/n] there you are! I thought you might have skipped school today!" She/He said.
"Sorry buddy, something unusual happened this morning but let's not talk about it. Let me grab my book and let's head to our first class."
"Hmm sure" she/he hesitated at first... that's also kind of unusual...[f/n] would normally not hesitate, why today? nevermind, I'm just overthinking or hallucinating. 

~time skip~
As everyone took their seats, our teacher spoke up to grab everyone's attention:
"Alright students, today we will be welcoming a new student to our class" he gave a small hand sign signaling the new student to come in. It was a boy, he wore an alike hoodie with two horizontal stripes on the arms sleeves, it was a brownish light color and he wore blue jeans. He had dark brown messy hair.

"Uh wh-hello everyone *tic* I-I'm *tic* Alex  R-roger and I-I hope we're g-gonna be good *tic* friends" he forced a smile that made me think he was kind of cute for some reason. But for some coincidence he had the same shuttering and ticking as the guy I stumbled on this morning...could it be him? No...many people can have the ticking and stuttering thing...right?
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
For now, have a nice day!
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