Just The Beginning Pt.1

Start from the beginning

(Text convo)

[MarieBoo] Hey Nat !

[Natalie2Mindless] Hey wassup

[MarieBoo] Being siced af lol wby

[Natalie2Mindless] True and just chillin. What u so happy bout?

[MarieBoo] Cus I'm going to the MB concert! Are you going?

[Natalie2Mindless] :o Duh I am! I got front row wby

[MarieBoo] Same here! Hopefully we'll be sittin next to each other 

[Natalie2Mindless] Yup who you goin w/

[MarieBoo] Niki wby

[Natalie2Mindless] True & Tide

[MarieBoo] Otot , a party of 4 lls

[Natalie2Mindless] Yes ma'am ! well i g2g so i'll text u laterzzzzz

[MarieBoo] K, byeee !

(End of text convo) 

 I am too excited, I don't know what to do with myself! Now I have to find what to wear, how to do my hair, what color to paint my nails, what bracelets to wear, what shoes, contacts or glasses ! Wow I have a lot to do. I'll help Niki too. Hmm, let me call her to come over my house so she can help me then I can help her at her house. 

(Phone convo)

Me: Hey Niki, you busy right now ?

Niki: No why

Me: You should come over so you can help me find out what to wear for the concert!

Niki: Sure I'll be over in 5 minutes

Me: Okay and bring all your clothes over so we can help you choose too

Niki: Sure thing , see ya in 5

(End of phone convo)

Okay now that's settled, the countdown begins now. 2 days before the concert. Such short notice I'm going, luckily Nicolette had the tickets since last MONTH.  

*Doorbell rings*

I bet that's Nicolette now .. let me go downstairs and see.

I open the door to see Nicolette standing there with three suitcases of clothes. 

"WOW why so much!?"

"Well you said bring all my clothes, so I just picked the best looking ones" 

"Okay then, let's get this partay started!"


(Niki's P.O.V)

Dang I'm so excited to go, I'm so glad my mom got these tickets when she did and that she got two instead of one. Now me and Marie can go together .. especially since she's so obsessed. 

(Marie's P.O.V)

"OKAY so, let's get started with you, what kind of look were you going for?"

"Ehh , I guess I'll go with something glam"

"True, that's cute, now lets open these suitcases & see what you've got"

I immediately spot this cute kind of frilly light pink shirt, so I tell her she's GOT to wear this shirt with something.

"Wear this shirt! It is TOO cute"

"Oh fine, hmm what would look better with it? A skirt or jeans"

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