Entry 7

250 13 5

Dear Friends,

Waaaaaaas uuuuuup?


So I'm really sorry to my friend @designersimmi because she asked me a question awhile back and I didn't answer it soooo here we go!

Q: Which is your favorite HP book, and movie? Oh, and why?

A: My favorite HP book is the seventh one and movie... hmm that's hard... It's tied between the fourth and last film.


So I have a question for youuuuuuuuu!

I'm thinking about posting a video every week or every other week on tumblr and answer your questions and ask you questions or just talk about stuff. So would you watch it? If you would watch it leave me any question in the comments :)



P.S. Follow me on tumblr if you want I'll follow back my tumblr is @emmalulu2.

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