Entry 12

137 9 20

Dear Friends, 

How are you lovelies? :D

Here we go: 

Q: If you were stuck on a deserted island ,and you could only bring three people, who would it be? Or: if you could only bring one thing what would it be? You can choose :) 

A: Guess what? I pick both :) just cause they're both good questions, so why not? Ok I would bring... Tom Felton, Zayn Malik, and Grace Helbig. Tom because he's perfect. Zayn because he's also perf, and I'll need music, he's got the voice of an angel on steriods. Grace because she's flipping hilarious, and also perf. Never a dull moment! The one item I would bring is my macbook because it's legit my life. I would have to pray for wifi though...


Now my question for you!!!!

Q: What country do you think I live in :0 and what country do you all live in? ;D

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