XI; Night's Spell of Budding Romance

Start from the beginning

Gerard suppressed a shiver from fluttering down the contours of his spine at the feeling of Frank's soft breath brushing against his ear, a ticklish sensation. Frank pulled away with a tiny sigh, smiling at his dancing partner, and leaning in to secure his arms around Gerard, resting his cheek against his shoulder.

"I like spinning with you." Frank told him, dare he say affectionately, brushing Gerard's heart like butterfly kisses conjured by the depths of spring. "It makes me feel like I've been human my entire life."

Gerard would wistfully return the sentiment by saying he felt the same way, but he quickly realized he'd sound foolish since he was born human. He lived in flesh and blood just as Frank did, but his legs were permanent factors of his body, he didn't morph gracefully into a beautiful mythical creature with so much as a droplet of water dripping onto his skin. He flushed deeply instead as Frank leaned his head against his shoulder and the movement required his chest to press lightly against Gerard's as he held him. He sucked in a quick breath through his teeth to remain calm while wondering in a panic if Frank could feel his rapid heartbeat through his skin or feel the heat of his blush radiating when it bled down underneath the flesh at his neck. He soothed the mild hesitation striking him at once that caused him to wonder whether he should pull away or stay. He held Frank closer as foolishly as it must have been and leaned into him in return, those dancing near them eroding into a mere blur as his eyes fluttered shut, and he consumed the warmth eating away at his heart to dominate the butterflies, building them into the walls of his flesh as if they were meant to reside there since the beginning. Letting himself give into it for one evening wouldn't hurt him, would it?

Soft lips pressed to his cheek and pulled him from his tangle of thoughts driving a crease between his brows. He looked down into round hazel eyes for a split second before they fluttered shut and Frank rested his head on his chest again, hugging Gerard more than swaying with him. He stroked the merman's hair and slid his hand down to rest on his hip again, knowing that, yes, this would harm him in the end, but he decided he didn't care. Living in the moment was the best method of spending an entire life. Taking in warmth, in friendship, in tapping into something more, it was nothing short of serene if thoughts about the consequences of tomorrow never existed. Gerard soaked in a moment he would store in his memories and thank the stars for if there ever was a time where he accepted he wouldn't have an opportunity to partake in something similar ever again. The rose Frank held in his hand brushed against his back and dragged upwards to brush over the side of his neck, across his jaw and towards his lips as Frank pulled away from him again. His eyes opened as he felt the silky petals caressing his lower lip and he saw Frank smiling at him, his cheeks an identical shade of pink to the flower he held. He'd never been so beautiful before as he flourished with joy, standing up on the tips of his toes to stand at a similar level to Gerard. He still wasn't quite tall enough to match up their heights. Gerard's hand glided up from Frank's hip and towards his waist, cupping around it to gently press his fingers into the small of his back.

The band wrapped up their final song for the evening and the outbreak of applause stopped Gerard from tugging the rose away from his lips to press them against Frank's instead. He hadn't realized his own desire to kiss him until he was snapped out of his spell and he noticed how close they were to each other. His eyes widened and Frank looked at him curiously, tugging the rose away to sling his arms around his neck again. Gerard panicked, but it was shut down as Frank kissed his cheek again, and it would have felt like neutral territory if it hadn't been for the admiring glances coming from others surrounding them. Frank giggled against his skin and twirled out of his arms.

"Can we do this again soon?" Frank asked in a tone higher pitched than usual from his excitement.

Gerard lifted his hand to flatten his hair instead of nervously raking his fingers through it, wondering if Frank ever picked up on that habit of his so he could evade any suspicion.

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