Chapter 13: Family (2/3)

Start from the beginning

Instead of letting Robin tell everything on phone Kuzan immediately told her that he would visit them. Even though she didn't like the idea of him being in her house it was the sensible thing to do. Chances were that she or he were wiretapped.
Taking another moment to evaluate her situation she walked outside to be greeted by her friends who were preparing another barbecue.

„This is for my family, since they helped us to find you!" Luffy explained while helping to decorate the garden.
„How nice."
„But since a party for only a few makes no sense we invited everyone again." Nami passed by, carrying some potatoes she was going to cut for a salad.
Franky was already helping putting up decorations and the music system.
„Robin!!! Let me bring you a breakfast~," Sanji passed her, skipping inside the house. Meanwhile she started to help Nami cut more vegetables.
„An old acquaintance of mine will be here soon but I don't know if he'll stay for the party."
„If he is a friend of yours he's welcome to join," Nami smiled while snacking some pepper stripes.
„Friend is not the right word."

That moment the doorbell rang and Robin stood up to check the door.
Expecting Kuzan she opened without looking through the peephole and the greeting she had on her lips died, replaced by a gasp of horror.
It wasn't Kuzan. It was Spandam with his stupid grin and cold eyes.
„Nico Robin, I hereby take you into custody because you're a danger towards national interest."
Before she could react two of the accompanying goons grabbed her and dragged her away.
„NO!" With all her might she dug her feet on the ground not really making any process, glaring daggers at Spandam who strolled casually back to the car.
The men stopped dragging her to look at their boss for guidance.
„Don't worry. All your belongings will be confiscated," Spandam waved his hand, not even looking back.
Robin tried to break free once more, kicking one of the goons, who didn't even flinch and continued to pull and drag her away.
„Hey! Let her go!"
A lot of things happened simultaneously. First of all the goons who had taken hold of Robin were hit by something that smelled awfully like rotten eggs, causing them to release her. Just a second later both were tackled down by Sanji and Zoro while Luffy stepped in front of Robin, getting in fighting stance, staring daggers at three more agents as well as Spandam who had finally looked back.

Robin felt herself being turned around to see a worried Franky looking her up and down and then pulling her into a hug.
„You okay?"
„Hmhm, I'm fine."
She glanced back at Spandam while taking hold of Franky's arm after he released her again. Spandam's face showed fear and anger and he obviously struggled to find his footing again after this turn of events.
Her other friends also stepped out to stand beside her and Franky.

„Release Nico Robin immediately or you have to face the consequences!"
„WE WON'T LET ROBIN BE TAKEN AWAY AGAIN!!" in a threatening gesture Luffy cracked his fingers, while both Sanji and Zoro threw the other guys towards their boss.
„What kind of consequences are you even talking about. As much we're concerned someone is trying to abduct our friend and we're doing our best to stop them," Nami sounded surprisingly smug while hiding behind Usopp.
„Nico Robin is a threat to national security and so she has to be taken into custody!"
„I don't see any government emblem. Only a group of suspicious looking people attacking a group of civilians," Nami replied again.
Spandams eyes traveled along the group finally finding Zoro: "Aren't you a policeman?! You are working for the government too!"
Zoro sneered: „Don't put me in the same pool as yourself. I work for the people and also today is my free day."
„There is illegal stuff going on in that house!"
Zoro turned to his friends:"Anyone is doing something illegal?"
„No!" everyone answered.
„Good enough."
The only answer Spandam got was a shrug, infuriating the man further.
Listening to all this Robin felt like she was watching a play, like she wasn't really part of this whole ordeal at the same time she was way too aware that she was causing her friends a lot of trouble. Her grip on Franky's arm became stronger and she saw him glance down at her.

Hearing that Robin started to shake. She hadn't wanted her friends to be endangered like that. Suddenly Franky exploded:„JUST LEAVE ALREADY, ASSHOLE!"
Spandam's focus changed to Franky.
"Oh! You! You caused trouble last time too! I checked up on you. A person by the single Name of Franky did not exist until you took a job at Galley La!"
Robins blood started to run cold about where this was going.
"Oh really? I would have guessed Franky is a very common Name," Franky continued to glare at the man in front of them.
"Not without a Surname." Spandam growled.
"Obviously those other dudes have no class."
Robin would have laughed if the situation wouldn't have been so serious.
"There is also no medical notes of a human with any body modifications like yours!"
„Because I never went to a hospital."
„Then stop bothering the dead, Spandam!"
"This is also a thing! How come you know my name?!" Spandam looked at one of his goons. "My name is supposed to be Top Secret!"
"Maybe we have a breach in intelligence, Sir?"
"Yeah, Spandam! Maybe you have a breach in your intelligence!"
Robin snorted and Franky looked way too satisfied with himself. The rest of their friends also smiled and snickered.
„Make us!" again it had been Luffy who bellowed the dare.

Everyone looked to the new arrival, who looked rather bored but also annoyed.
„Kuzan! You have to help! Nico Robin refuses to cooperate with the government," Spandam stepped up right in front of the taller man.
Robin could feel her heart beating way too loud in the following silence. Her eyes met Kuzans for a short moment while the man took in the whole situation.
Finally he turned to Zoro: "You're a policeman. What is going on?"
„This man and the ones with him appeared at the front of our door and tried to drag one of the residents off with them. He didn't show any ID or badge so we figured he is some dangerous bad guy who abducts women. He needs to be stopped."
„Sounds reasonable."
Robin had to stop herself from laughing out loud in relief.
„You didn't even show your ID?! What the hell, man?! Is that how you do your work?! No wonder people get more and more suspicious every day!" Kuzan stared down at Spandam with cold eyes.
„You better make this official! Get yourself the needed paperwork to bring her into custody."
They exchanged a few more words but all of Spandam's arguments were futile and finally he left. Robin felt herself relax but still clinging to Franky who tried to sooth her.
So this is what was going to happen. Spandam would come for her with all the paperwork ready to take her away forever.

Kuzan looked back at the group that had gathered in front of the house but his eyes focused on Robin: „We need to talk."

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