Chapter 13: Family (2/3)

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Robin slept well into the morning. Her dreams were haunted by figures from the past and Spandam who snatched her friends away before Robin could reach them until she was alone.
Waking up and rapidly blinking to get a grip on herself she tried to shove these thoughts back into the depth of her subconsciousness.
This was not the time to deal with her fears.

Looking around she spied Franky sitting on his desk, drawing something. Silently she stood up to lean down on him and look over his shoulder.
„Morning, Robin."
„Good morning... is that an alarm system?"
„Yes it is!" There was pride in his voice.
„Is the bucket filled with water necessary? I thought you had been an engineer?" she asked with humor.
„This is engineering!"
She chuckled and looked at the drawing again.
„You are right but it also looks like right out of a cartoon."
„Don't be angry," she kissed him on his head. „It's really clever too. I don't think an assassin is calculating to get drenched in water."

She watched him a couple more minutes, sketching away, leaning on his broad back, while reliving the day before. Of course the multiple attacks were worrisome but one thing especially still bothered her. Franky and hers relationship even if seemingly true and loving on both sides still raised questions about the future. Yesterday had been their first argument. The first few weeks of their relationship had went way too smoothly and she had ignored another big problem that had been with her since the very beginning: "Franky? What are you going to do when you're finished with renovations? I need to know."
Carefully Robin tried to keep her voice steady even though she felt really anxious about him moving on. She was quite sure that he wouldn't just sell the house, leave and never look back. They already swore to stay at each others side a couple of times after all. Also, it wouldn't be like Franky to just get up and leave but even right now, living in the same house, working in the same house, they didn't have much time with each other and the idea of him living somewhere else made her feel sick. Also their new landlord might be not as nice a him... most certainly so.
"... I'm not sure. My contract will end when the renovations are done."
Robins brows furrowed in confusion.
"Wait, your contract? You're not the owner?"
"No.", Franky turned around and looked back to Robin in confusion, "... you look like you saw a ghost."
"Who is the owner?!"
"I'm not 100% sure but my guess is that girl Kaya."
"Kaya?" she could not believe her ears.
"She bought it for Usopp, I guess. I didn't really bother to look further into it."
There was much to consider after that sentence but there was one thing that was more important to her personally: "But this means you won't sell the house and leave?"
"What? No! Even if I have to find another job I'll stay here.", he stared up at her still quite confused. Finally Franky stood up. "I thought I had established that? I don't plan on leaving you."
Robin laughed, still not sure what was going on. "Sorry, there is a lot on my mind right now and I might have missed that... but you have no idea how glad I am."
"Hey, the kids break stuff all the time. Someone has to repair it. And then is there this super cool and hot woman I could never leave behind."
"Oh, Franky...," she was still struggling to accept compliments but it was nice.
"I hope you'll like her too, when you meet her."
That moment Robin lost her smile and regarded the man in front of her with a cold glare. She stepped away a bit.
"Robin? That was a joke..."
Robin turned around.
"Aw, Robin you know you're the only one for me. I love you!" Now it was him who hugged her from behind. Like a reflex she leaned into it.
„It's not funny," it really wasn't. But she knew he already regretted it too.
„I know, I'm sorry," he nuzzled the side of her face and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. And a smile came back to Robins face: „Also it would be awkward to meet her after you moved in with me."
He stayed silent for a few moments before he answered: „You are right. But most importantly, do you have enough space for my work table?"

While Robin got dressed Franky started to make floor plans for their shared flat. He also talked about how he would continue to renovate restructure her apartment, so she would be able to collect even more books. He sure knew how to turn her on but that had to wait.
Still excited about the prospect to move in together they walked upstairs. When Robin got reception she decided to call Kuzan to tell him what had happened. There seemed to be a need for him to interfere to some extent. Franky meanwhile walked out into the garden where all of their friends had gathered.

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