Don't Care

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Almost done...
Y/n's P.O.V.

What is going on?

Max.. Max and I broke up?

Max broke up with me?


I am so... dumbfounded. I can't process what is going on.

Why aren't Max's parents here? Is... is Max okay? We may not be partners anymore, but I love him. And I know he loves me.


That's it. I'm going to go talk to him. I get up from my seat at the mess hall and walk over to Max.

When he saw who was approaching him. "Hey." I stuttered out.

I could tell his eyes were watering at the sight of me. It broke my heart.

"Hi." He glanced up at me and then back down at the table, pulling his classic blue hoodie over his head.

"Max, I'm just going to get to the point. Are... are you okay?"

He laughed, a sad little laugh. "No, Y/n. I'm not. Not even a little."

I sat down next to him and tried to put my hands on top of his. Max pulled back.

I looked away for a second and grimaced. Is this the way it had to be?

"I... I meant about your parents, Max. Are they on they're way? I need to know that someone is going to take care of you." I ran a hand through my hair, a nervous habit... I shouldn't be nervous around Max. This entire situation is so messed up.

Max thought of what he was going to say after pondering it a bit, "No. I don't think they are."

I was baffled, "What? Max is.. is there something you want to.. you know-"

"Talk about? Y/n you're starting to sound like David." He replied sarcastically.

"Max, I'm onl-"

"Only trying to help? Heard that one before."

I almost broke out crying at that point. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Apparently, Max could tell. He sighed and took my hands which were till lying limp on the table, "Y/n. What I'm about it tell you, I've never told anyone else. You can't tell anyone. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

I shook my head, of course I was ready. Max is my soulmate. I know him, and he knows me. He knows I would never tell.

What he said next, tore me in two.

"My parents don't care about me... They hate me, and I'm not exaggerating. They've made that very clear."


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