Chapter Ten- Preperation

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"That is absolutely the dumbest idea I've ever heard."

"I know, right? It's great."

"Cass, you're absolutely nuts. We aren't blowing anything up."

Cass sighed and put her head down.

"Well fuck my ideas then, huh?" She mumbled beneath her arms. Ryan shook his head and they all collectively rolled their eyes.

"Anyways, ignoring that, the job is tomorrow morning, so we'd better take today to prepare," Ryan announced as he stood up from the table. "Take inventory of body armor, bullets, guns, everything you might need. Cass, can you snipe?"

She picked her head up, looking at him quizzically.

"Yeah, I'm alright but not great."

"You don't need to be great. You've got a good eye, so I just need you to be a watchman. There's a couple people you can pick off, I just need you to call when they bring her out and then come down when you're done up there." She nodded.

"Got it, I'll get some stuff for that."

"Alright, great. The rest of you, stick to the usual. No using explosives unless I say otherwise during the fight." They all nodded and picked up their plates off the table, bringing them to the sink. Micheal called out from the kitchen.

"Hey Cass, Gav and I are going to Ammu-Nation today to get some supplies, you wanna come with?"

Gavin looked over at Ryan and winked. This was a bad idea, he thought. 

Such a bad idea. 

"Yeah, awesome. Give me like an hour to get ready." She bounded up the stairs, headed to her room. Gavin walked over to Ryan and elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

"You're going to embarrass all of us. Please don't do this."

"Too late."

-- --

They pulled up to Ammu-Nation, screeching to a halt. The three scrambled out of the car, laughing at themselves. It wasn't too busy for the early morning, which was a good thing. Nobody liked to go in a crowded store with a bunch of weapons. What wasn't as good, though, was the fact that they were right next to a mexican restaurant that Cass knew for a fact had some pretty amazing nachos. She tried to ignore it, and they entered the gun shop together. 

She'd been in this store several times before, though she tended to frequent another store on the other side of town. This one was slightly smaller and held slightly lower firepower items. They wandered around for a moment, but all she could think of were those nachos. Micheal stared at the far wall that held pistols and several other types of guns. Before long, he turned around and looked at his two companions. 

"So uhhh, anybody else want some nachos?"

"Oh my god, absolutely," Cass groaned. Gavin agreed, and the two handed Micheal some money and then walked out of the store. Satisfied that she'd soon get some nachos, Cass walked over to a small counter that showcased all kinds of bullets. She was borrowing Ryan's snipe rifle, so she didn't need any bullets for that, but she did need some  magazines for her AK. Really, what better time to break that out than this job? 

She picked up a few boxes and looked at them, reading the packaging carefully. She needed to make sure she didn't buy the wrong thing again. At that point she'd just look stupid. She looked back for a moment, seeing Gavin spinning in a circle slowly, eyeing the items on the walls. She turned back around and set the boxes back down. Cass reached for the back of the counter, grabbing a slightly larger box, and then walked over to Gavin, who still seemed to be wandering.

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