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A week after the accident.

Place: Hongkong Authority Hospital

"Present." a tall guy with tanned skin called Dr. Lim pointed at the guy with 6 feet tall height. The pointed guy quickly pulls out the chart he has been hiding behind his back and start reading.

"Ms. Shao Huan, class 3, MELD 20, end stage liver disease, scheduled to receive a transplant today. Donor liver arrives at 16.30. I have been keeping her happy and healthy for the surgery this afternoon. No need to worry."

"Thanks Lucas. Mark?"

"Mr. John Doe. Everything about him is still unknown, except the broken phone that did not give much information. Post-op day 7, there is no any significant progress or reaction as of this morning, but no sign of brain dead, and vital are stable."

"Well, it is not uncommon for the brain surgery patient. What about the police search?"

"Police has been intensely working to find this guy's identity but there's no information at all."

Dr. Lim let out a deep sigh. "Let's wait until he wakes up, then. Mark, keep an eye on him."

Mark nodded as Dr. Lim walks away to evaluate his other patients. He heaved a deep sigh when he makes sure Dr. Lim is quite away before smacking Lucas' arm with his chart.

"Argh! What's your problem?" Lucas hissed in discomfort. His hand patting the arm that harshly hit by Mark.

"You got that transplant surgery and I got to watch somebody who Dr. Lim does not even know when he will wake up? This is unfair. When will I learn? I have skipped so much lessons played an FBI instead with all these investigations. For God's sake, I want to be a surgeon, not a police!" typical Mark, starts to complaining here and there when unfairness is on his side. While when Lucas was on disadvantage, Mark would make sure to be the first person who laughs at his misery.

What a friend, huh?

"At least you got the brain surgery."

"Oh yeah, and that was like.. a decade ago! While you got the transplant, the cardiac myxoma, the tumors, and all the good things that I will never get until this John Doe wakes up," here Mark goes again with his roller coaster of words. Lucas swears that if this guy did not become a doctor, he could at least be a decent rapper.

"Wow, I do not know that getting a tumor is a good thing."

Mark rolls his eyes in response to his friend's sarcasm.

"Could we exchange cases?"

"We?" Lucas widened his eyes and pointed at himself and back to Mark's chest.

Mark nods, all smiling.

"...do you mean I am sacrificing this transplant surgery in order to be a loser who just sits on the bench and drained out my knowledge out of my—"

"Dr. Lee!" a nurse suddenly approaches them in hurry, addressing Mark's name.


"Mr. John Doe is awake."

Mark gasped before turns around to see Lucas' face which just expressed 'Go away'.

"Bye loser!" Mark screams through the aisle while running to the mentioned patient's room. Lucas shook his head in disbelief watching what his bestfriend is capable to do from afar and left to check his other patient.


Dr. Lim comes in rush to the John Doe's room a few minutes after Mark. He checks on the vital of the patient who looks confused and scared of what Dr. Lim does when he puts a flashlight in front of his eyes. His hands trembled, he is about to attack but his body seems too weak for doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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