"....to go buy banana milk"

Taehyung giggle and pinched his cheeks "aww kookie is a baby...you can take a twenty off my dresser" jungkook stands up "thanks hyung" he walks away

Taehyung decides to see what you're up to

"To: sissy👧🏻❤️

Hey sis, what are you doing?

He sent the message. He waited a few minutes but you still didn't reply, he furrowed his eyebrows

"May be she's asleep" he said mumbling


The next day you were at school putting books inside your bag, when your best friend/ boyfriend comes and hugs you

"Hey y/n"

"Hi Jungsoo"

"You ready?"

You nod

While walking some of the girls start fangriling, "OMG, that's tae oppa's little sister", "OMG she's so cute" "hey taehyung's little sister". You felt uncomfortable, you didn't received this much attention before

"Hey it's ok I'm here"

Jungsoo said smiling

"Thank you"

As you both sit down the teacher comes in, everyone starts up and bows to her "you may sit down, so tomorrow we will go into a field trip to a company to learn more about business and how to manage a company. I'll hand out these papers so you can show it to your parents, sign it, and bring it back" the teacher passed out copies of the field trip form, everyone puts it away in their binders and pay attention to the teacher


"So if you divde twenty one -x by five-"

"Hello, this is the principal...attention all teachers please begin lockdown mode, I repeat this is not a drill, please begin lockdown mode. Lock all Doors"

The teacher placed down the paper and turned off the lights, "everyone move to the back corner of the room" all of the students movement to the back of the room while the teacher locked the door, then she went and sat down with the students

Bang bang bang (see what I did there? ....no? Ok...)

You heard doors being banged p, which made almost everyone jump, a few girls shakes in fear, you of course shakes in fear too, the school never had a lockdown before, not even a lockdown drill

Bang bang bang

"Open the damn door!"

A man said outside in the hall, a few girls, including you, started sobbing.

"ILL BURN THIS SCHOOL DOWN" the man started laughing

"Ok kids, if we smell fire, remember to cover your mouth and nose with your jackets or hand"


While taehyung was chatting with your mom in the kitchen, your mom receives a call from both the police department and the school

"Police department?"

Taehyung said out loud, he answers the call

"Hello this is DPD, reporting a lockdown in south daegu high school, apparently there's a lockdown going on, we made this call to let you know we are trying to handle the situation "

Your moms eyes were wide open along with taehyung's, they both rushed to the school. There were a punch of parent trying to get in, but a bunch of police officers wouldn't let them

"Back off people, we are dealing with the situation"

The mother were crying, along with some fathers



The parents screamed in horror as shots were heard inside the school...but that was just the beginning of everything

They all turned silent when they heard the fire alarm, along with smoke coming out of the Windows. The fire men came and tried to set the fire down, but the fire kept getting bigger and bigger

The schools front gate opened, students, teachers, cafeteria ladies, janitors came running out. Some with smokey clothe, some bleeding.

Taehyung's heart skipped some beats

Then, an ambulance siren was heard, five abundances drove to the school. the paramedics came out with five beds and went inside the school, everyone watching with horror and sadness as five bodies were being pulled out of the school

That's when taehyung broke down

There you were...


Blood in your uniform....

With a mask to help you breathe....

They put you inside the ambulance, before the paramedics left taehyung and your mom run up to you

"Are you her family?"

Your mom nods, both taehyung and her get inside the ambulance...he was scared....

What if....you don't make it?

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