Chapter 2 (The REAL Deal): Almost Is Never Enough

Start from the beginning

"You don't need to understand us. You need to love us." I say while taking the bar from his hand. "Thanks! So shall we go work on that project?" I continue before he can say anything.

"We shall!" He says while taking my free hand and dragging me up the stairs. "So which project do you want to work on, or do you want to rehearse for the musical, or catch up on art?" He asks at the top of the stairs.

"Um...I don't know." I reply as I follow him to his room. "What do you want to do first?" I reverse the question at him instead of me.

"Why don't we practice first?" He suggests once we're inside his room. It's a lot neater than I expected it to be. It looked spotless! Jack notices me looking around his room. "I'm sorry! If I knew I was having company, I would've cleaned my room!" He says apologetically.

"What are you talking about? Your room is spotless! My room doesn't even look like this! We've been here for a month or so and there's still boxes everywhere in my room!" I tell him. He starts blushing. I never thought he would be so vulnerable. Suddenly, the temperature in the room started to drop. I panicked a little then calmed down. Jack noticed it too and his face instantly became normal again.

"So...back to practicing. What scene do you want to practice first?" He said clearly trying to change the subject. I hear footsteps in the hallway. Then my phone buzzes in my back pants pocket. I pull it out and look at it. Just news from my Instagram feed. Nothing special. "Is everything okay, Els?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah! Everything's fine! It's just my stupid Instagram feed. Nothing bad or anything." I reply.

"So should we rehearse the final scene?" He asks. I get really nervous and the temperature drops a bit. The final scene is the kissing scene. I calm myself down quickly and the temperature becomes normal again.

"Okay. Let me get my script." I tell him. I reach into my backpack and he reaches into his. I'm shuffling around in my bag for a minute until I find my lip gloss and a pack of mints. I quickly pop a mint in my mouth then check to make sure he's not looking and reapply my lip gloss. Then I pull out my script and say, "Found it! You ready, Jack?"

"Yeah. My script was at the very bottom of my bag. It took awhile but it's out. So, shall we do the scene?" He replies.

"I'm ready when you are!"

"Okay, and...action!" He yells.

"Jack, I just don't know if I can trust you yet. Every time I trust you something happens. I just can't take it anymore!" I say sounding really annoyed at that last part.

"Elsa, please. This time, I promise that I will be there to protect you. I will never let you down, ever again. I-I love you Elsa! And I always have. I never will stop loving you!" Jack says grasping onto my hands like the script says to.

"Oh, Jack. I just c-can't. I don't know." I get cut off by Jack.

"Elsa please. I will be there for you. But I need you to believe in me." He pleads.

"Jack, I believe in you, I always have. You know I have. I love you too Jack!" I say. Then he wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. We come closer and closer then our lips meet. I passionately kiss him and he kisses me back. Then he lifts me up, while we're still kissing and spins me around then puts me down. I think I giggled against his lips. A few seconds later we pull apart because someone cleared his throat at the door. It was a boy about 14, who I assumed was Jamie, Jack's brother. Also at the door was Emma, and a little girl who was about 6, Sophie I guess. Jack and I start blushing like crazy.

" much of that did you see?" Jack asked putting his hand on his neck. I had to resist the urge to swoon. Why? I have NO clue. Well, I think I'm starting to know why. But that's impossible. I can't like him, can I? No. I can't. I don't like him. I think I love him. Oh no!! No, no, no, NO! Calm down Elsa. Everything will be alright.

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