That was...Interesting

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Friday. Probably the best day of the week. What makes it even better? The end of school. Aleks and James, after being paired together for a project, decided to walk home together to work on it, seeing as they were neighbours.

As the two veered off the sidewalk and on to Aleks's grassy front lawn, James grabbed Aleks's beanie off his head, feeling the soft material. Aleks pulled out his keys, fumbling to unlock the door, very much aware of James's presence behind him. "You like that hat?" With a slight pop, the door swung open."I used to have one like this" James said, tossing it playfully back to Aleks. The two of them trudged in, the warmth saving them from the brisk winter air.

Fast forward fifteen minutes, and the two of them were sitting at what Aleks's mom would refer to as a "breakfast nook". Before them sat an assortment of books, and tons of stray paper strewn about. Tossed haphazardly on top was a platter of food, junk food to be exact. Pepsi in hand, they began to study.

"Hummm.... this doesn't make any sense."

Aleks said running a hand through his hair and crossing his legs under himself

"Here, this book is better I think ???"

James said, grabbing Aleks by the wrist and dragging him closer. Aleks inhaled sharply, James smelled clean, like soap and shampoo. Aleks was never really one to notice small things about people, or care for that matter, but he really apreciated the way the sun was streaming in and glinting off James's hair, lighting up the usually dark colour. Aleks smiled, looking at the way his eyebrows furrowed, and jaw flexed every now and then.

James leaned back a bit, his shoulder hitting Aleks's. "Ah! shit sorry"

Aleks laughed silently through his nose. It was kinda cute. Aleks in general is kinda cute, James thought, nodding his head slightly. He leaned down, head now even with Aleks's, staring at the words in the book, not bothering to put them together.

Aleks felt his stomach flutter. James's shoulder was touching Aleks's, and he could feel his hair and James's touching. He took a deep breath, in hopes to avoid blushing.

James turned his head, now practically nose to nose with Aleks. Aleks blinked in surprise and moved back a little. They stayed like that for a few seconds, before Aleks really did blush. Right when he went to move backwards, James reached one finger up under Aleks's chin and closed the gap between them, kissing him lightly

Aleks tensed up, but quickly shook it off, parting his lips slightly and reaching one hand up to James's shoulder, gripping the material of his shirt lightly. The feeling of butterflies increased tenfold.

James broke away and stared at Aleks, with a look of confusion. Aleks made a small noise in the back of his throat which could only be described as [?????]. James blinked and shook his head.

"I.. uh" he managed, voice dry. "I should go,,,"

Aleks nodded eyes still locked with James's, mouth open.

James scooped his books up, and dashed out of the dining room and to the front door, slipping out and closing the door lightly. Aleks turned to watch him go, expression still frozen. He subconsciously reached a hand up, feeling his very warm cheeks.

He finaly closed his mouth, and buried his face in his hands, grinning widely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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