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BTS are humble kings, And they are going to enlist whether you like it or not. Trust me when the time comes. We'll be fine. They'll be fine. And it wont be the end of them either. They'll come back. And it will be better then ever. Its honestly not that long if you think about it And Armys wont let their fame die down while they are gone. We will keep supporting them. And When they  get back, We will get them even higher achievements. And people are acting like its gonna be so rough and tough and all that shit. But Idols get it better than ordinary people in the military. And we should be supporting them wanting to go instead of making them seem like weak 12 year olds that are scared of the future. everything will be fine. And the boys dont seem to worry about this. I mean we shouldn't either Its not like they are dying or disbanding. Like seriously Its just 2 years calm your spaghetti tits. Just let them go It'll be fine. Its not forever, they'll have a comeback, And everything will be back to normal after words. also about the way they will enlist. I believe they'll go together Bighit is trying to debut a new group, So they will probably be their profit while bts are gone. it might even be a temporary group shit i dont know, But I believe they'll all go together  since bh is always telling them they are a team not 7 individual boys. And its true they are a team. So i think they'll all go together. And plus if bh is smart they know the boys solo projects dont do as well as together. And the boys need each other for these things so i think they'll all be together, and come back when they get out okay now imma stop this bye. 

🎉 You've finished reading ey yo little shits read me ranting about the military thing with BTS ya know 🎉
ey yo little shits read me ranting about the military thing with BTS ya knowWhere stories live. Discover now