
Start from the beginning

It was still quite a way from the park so I thought I'd make some conversation
"What are we doing?"
"Haha very funny. What are we actually doing though?" Niner covered my eyes.
"What the fuck. ..."  he trailed me further until I was pretty sure we were at the park. Niner stopped moving and faced me towards something. He uncovered my eyes; there was nothing there... well apart from the Christmas themed park. I was about to ask what the fuck we were doing but


thousands of colors burst through the park: pretty pinks, beautiful blues, graceful greens, precious purples, youthful yellows and so many more. What were they? My eyes adjusted the brightness and I realised it was balloons. They were amazing.
"I thought you might like it" Niner motioned for me to walk with him. I marvelled at the display as we strolled past; it was as if winter had never came.

{Part 2 of chapter}

Connor's POV

Hank and I were at the boarding gates to the flight, I was nervous and probably looked a bit odd- I was constantly moving my feet and blinking rapidly.
"You ok there Connor? Nervous?" Hank moved further up the line and I nodded.
"Don't worry. I was scared for my first flight too." He patted my back; we were nearly past the gate.

We sat down on the plane and I made sure to do up my belt as fast as I could. I was at the window seat and Yank next to me. Everyone sat down in their allocated seats and a safety video played but Hank didn't even look up from his phone.
"Hank! What if the plane crashes!? You won't know what to do!" I shook him and he rolled his eyes then looked at the screen.

The plane lifted from the ground and soared upwards. I instantly felt nauseous- even if androids couldn't be sick. But it was worth it as when we were level the sky looked stunning out of the window. I wonder what we would do when we got to Ohio.

Gavin's POV

We had just gotten back from the park. It was around 4pm. While Niner got started on making dinner I played with Collie and Fuckward. They tugged at the string holding a toy mouse on the end of it.
"Gavin!" Niner called, I stood up again and waited in the frame of the kitchen door.
"What?" I asked, sitting at the table, Nines put the plate down in front of me and I dug in.
"We need to talk." He took the chair opposite me. I murmured an 'ok'.
"So, the pills. I figured they're not as effective as they are supposed to be: Connor told me you tried to shoot yourself."
I swallowed the food, hesitatingly taking another bite.
"So, I thought.... maybe..... it would be a good idea to.... book you a therapy-" I didn't even let Niner finish-
"WHAT?!" I screamed and held onto my stomach about to be sick by the thought. Niner leaped out of his seat to assist me but I swatted him away. I stumbled to the bathroom myself and puked- well, we were back to the start. I cried in the bathroom, locking myself in. I searched for anything- anything to ease my suffering. I scavenged through the draws, cabinets and everywhere.
"Gavin? Are you alright? May I come in?"
"No! Just... give me a minute."
I found some scissors under the rug, I weighed out my options... just stop all the pain with one final cut.... or see Connor again and push through with therapy.

I couldn't do it.... I just couldn't bare to think about Connor's distraught face once he found out. I hurled the scissors at the mirror, shattering it. I felt one of my episodes coming, and I didn't really care.
I stepped on the shards of glass to get to the sink, I turned on the tap and let the boiling water flow into the sink. As soon as the water overflowed, I hopped in the bath tub and also turned on the boiling hot water in the shower. The burning sensation on my skin was like small kisses from the sun. The bathroom was beginning to feel like a sauna.
"Gavin?! Open the door!!" I had forgotten about Nines. Oops. A few minutes passed of Niner shouting through the door and me laughing maniacly before he burst into the room, stopping the water flow and hooking me over his shoulder and out of the room. Only now did I feel the pain coursing through my body and the glass in my feet.
I was loosing consciousness faster and faster unt-il......

Niner's POV

Gavin passed out just as I layed him on his bed. He was getting worse... I had to get him to see a therapist. I guess I should get started on the glass, I knelt over the bed and precisely plucked out the transparent thorns. Carefully, I plastered the cuts and took off his top to allow him to cool down- though I was reluctant, I took off his pants too. He was only in his boxers and fast asleep. For a man with his temper he seemed quite calm when he slept, I brushed some hair out of his face and smiled. Why couldn't he be like this when he was conscious? Fuckward and Collie joined us on the bed and curled up at Gavin's feet. Stardust sat at the door frame and waited for me, so I let Gavin sleep while I played with Stardust.

Some time passed and Stardust had gotten tired of playing so she napped on my lap and I watched TV.
"Androids gather around a street in Detroit to celebrate one month of freedom." The reporter elaborated. It wasn't really news. Just... normal events. Then there was a call on Gavin's phone next to me on the couch. I picked it up and held the device to my audio processor.
"Hello?" I answered politely. I heard Hank talking to Connor on the other end.
"Oh hey, uhh is Gavin there? Ah never mind. Um look, I forgot to ask someone to look after Sumo.... can you feed him and just check on him every now and then?" Hank requested. Of course, I accepted and headed there straight away, leaving a message on a cup of coffee for Gavin- which of course had his pills in it.

I found that the door was unlocked with the keys on the table. I'll need those. I petted Sumo but he seemed to know that I wasn't Connor- even if I was practically the same.
"Hey Sumo, I'm Niner. I'll look after you while Hank and Connor are gone."


Yay! Chapter 1 is DONE! I might start to write all my chapters long but then I won't be able to update everyday. I'll do a mixture of both. Also there is an actual plot now! Yay.

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now