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Gavin's POV

Monday 20th December 2038

I sipped the strong caffeine, made just the way I like it. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 11:34am. Work was so boring- no new cases, no crimes, no nothing. What the fuck was keeping everyone from committing a crime? I unlocked my phone and sat with my feet on the desk; I played some games while the time passed.
"But- I was going to spend it with Gavin...." I overhead Connor; I strained my ears to listen to him talk.
"No. You're coming with me, you see Gavin everyday. You've never even been outside of Detroit! C'mon Connor, this is your first Christmas. Why can't you spend it with me?" Hank cajoled Connor- who was glimpsing at me now and then, knowing that I heard what was going on.
"Ok. I'll go with you." Connor earned a smile from Hank.
BANG! My instincts kicked in and I crouched behind the table. What the fuck was going on?!
"D-don't move! MOVE A MUSCLE AND YOUR DeAd!"
I stayed silent, as everyone else was. At least there was finally some action in the ultimately boring day so far. Cautiously, I leaned slowly around the corner- just enough to see a young 12-13 year old girl aiming a gun at Fowler.
"I- I want my dad out of Jail! Then I'll stop!" The blonde waved the gun around. Time to step in. Leaping over my desk, I dodged a bullet flying my way and kicked the girl in the stomach: sending her crashing to the floor. I frantically seized the handgun and let Fowler cuff the girl.
"Good work Reed." He complimented. I shrugged it off like a simple task. Connor rushed over to me, kissing me in front of everyone. I could already feel the faces of disgust, surprise and confusion staring at me. I blushed and pushed him away a bit roughly but he shouldn't have embarrassed me. Once the audience had dispersed I could practically feel Connor's own tears stinging my eyes.
"Con, I didn't mean it like that..." I stepped towards him; I wiped his tears away and regretted my stupid actions.
"I love you... but... I'm already the office asshole. The gay office asshole? That's just out of my zone for public opinion"
Connor walked back to his desk with tears still pouring down his face. Hank patted his back and gave me the middle finger- I deserved it.

Tuesday 21st December 2038

Connor and Hank were leaving to go to Ohio (the state Hank grew up in). I embraced Connor and basically vomited 'sorrys' at him. He luckily forgave me and handed me a little red and green box to open on Christmas day.
"Connor! Hurry up!" Hank shouted from the car, Connor jumped in and they took off.
"How long will they be gone for?" Niner closed the door to the flat and we started to climb the stairs to the 15th floor.
"Uuhhh... a few days? A week? I don't fucking know." We continued to walk the stairs, eventually reaching my apartment. The cats meowed at my feet for food,
"Ok, ok! Jeez! I'll get you some food" they followed me to the kitchen and leaped on the counter, I didn't mind though- after all they are just cats. I filled up their bowls with dry biscuits.

I returned back to my usual habits after Conor left, relaxing in the tub with a cigarette in my mouth. I bathed in the feeling of nicotine running through my lungs, I remembered when I had first gotten into smoking: teenage years, about thirteen or fourteen and in an all time low with my family. It was near the time Elijah had commenced his 'AI' project. I found a pack lying on the side of a skate park rink along with a lighter and I couldn't help but crave something I'd never had before. The initial taste of the drug was disgusting- why would anyone want to harm their body like this?! However, as time went on I was beginning to crave them and so it became a regular hobby.

Knock knock!
"Come in!" I blew another cloud of smoke. Niner towered over me with Fuckward in his arms.
"Your smoking is harmful to the kittens. I suggest you stop or I'll give them to an adoption center where they will treat them right."
"Fucking christ! Ok!  I get it!" I let the cigarette burn out in the bin. Niner smiled proudly.
"I was thinking we go to the park today?" Niner placed Fuckward in my lap,
"Umm.. sure?" I agreed. I couldn't help but feel like he was nervous about something...
We got changed into actual clothes and headed out into the heavy snow. It was freezing!
"N-niner?" I shivered, "what we're you p-planning for today?"
"You'll see." He analysed me and took off his jacket then huddled it around me. I mumbled a quick thanks. 

BROKEN MENTAL (Connor x Gavin) detroit become human Where stories live. Discover now