Elsa's POV 'Practicing'

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He flew me to my ice castle.Well,first time for everything..I am in my queen dress,not my ice one...no need for it...

"Okay,Jack.What do I do?"

"How about make some snowflakes"

*i make snowflake*

"Umm,I dont know,make a chair"

*I made a chair*

*Jack sits in the chair*

"Now,create something cool...two cool things actually"

*I create Olaf,a talking snowman,and marshmallow,a REALLY BIG snowman that can protect*

"Woah,Elsa.You can make your creations come alive?That's awesome!"


Jack-"Olaf,go play with Marshmallow outside."

"Okay!Bye Elsa!See you latter!"

*walks out with Marshmallow*

"Okay,Elsa...you did great..we will keep this going whenever I can..."

That's when it happened...

He grabbed my waist and kissed me....

I push him away


"Elsa im sorry..I didn't mean to upset you...really!"

"Nevermind Jack.We will continue this when I want to...."

I walk out and head to the workshop....

He just stared at me as i walked away....my cape flowing against the wind...I accidentally send out a small snow storm...small...not a big deal...i just walk..and walk..until I get to the workshop...

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