You do not give Leo Spiny Chairs

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He gave me a cute little glare that even Harley could top and he's eight. Anyway after the puppy glare he let us in and then I saw all of its superior glory a, spiny chair walked right in and plopped down in it and started spinning and spinning until I heard my name called when I slowly very very slowly stopped I did it slowly to make sure I annoyed him.

It worked once I finally slowed down and listened he started to speak and said "once you prove you're not a threat we'll let you hang around Parker".

"Wait wait wait we've been friends all year and now I need to prove I'm not a criminal so I can chill with Peter",I said exasperated. "Why can't I hand around him right now I mean seriously I don't understand I'm not a murderer or a criminal",I pouted.
"Fine",he relented,"you can hang around Parker but one suspicious thing and you're back in that cell got it".
"Yes",I called as I fist pumped.
"Wait does that mean I get to meet Tony Stark cause he mentors Peter"?,I questioned.
"Yes",he replied.
"Sooo can I go now"?I asked dragging the word out.
He nodded in response and I took off down the hallways and ran smack into the billionaire genius playboy himself and my eyes widened comically. And me being me just stood there trying to collect myself in my thoughts and maybe actually from some words and then Peter came strolling by so I walked up to him and said "dude seriously what the heck are we still friends or were you just trying to get me here". At those words Puter turn towards me and I looked at his eyes and I could see that he was truly sorry and felt guilty that he led me to them. Then he said "look Leo I'm sorry-,I cut him off , "Peter it's fine",I said "can I meet the rest of the team"I asked?
"Sure"exclaimed Peter.

————-Leo never joined the team but was close to all of them especially Tony and Peter———

"Yes, Leo get in the car"sighed Tony.
"But-ugh fine"I relented.
So off they were to the place where nightmares come true and they torture you with metal claiming they are trying to help you. As if. If you haven't guessed yet they were going to the orthodontist, for who you might ask is me they were going for them to put metal in My mouth.

To say I was nervous was an understatement and I had Tony to thank for my position right now. You see Tony decided it would be a good idea for the team to have a tournament to see who was the best fighter why, I don't know but when I was going at it with Cap I got hit in the mouth nothing bad enough to draw blood but that's what got me into my current position.
Pulling up to the orthodontist building is what snapped me out of my thoughts.
We walked inside and waited for My name to be called which was like five minutes and We walked back with a blonde nurse or whatever you call them.
So they told me to brush my teeth and then they began to prep them for braces and something called an expander though Tony seemed to know what that was and looked at me pitifully The doctor came back in and told me to open my mouth so they could put the expander in and so with some reluctance I opened my mouth and he put some weird cheek separator in and then I saw what the expander looked like and started to internally panic.

Tony caught my eye and made the motion for deep breaths and I did so, I also felt them put glue on the roof of my mouth the last thing they told me before I felt pain in the top of my mouth was the man saying "this might hurt"
Yeah umm,biggest understatement of the century. It hurt a lot I even flinched. And Tony looked sympathetic. Then they told me they were gonna start with the braces and that I would have to have elastics with my braces and I hoped they weren't as bad as the expander.
And as it turned out I was right they were thankfully not as bad or I probably would have died.

The orthodontist told me that I was done and showed me how to put in the elastics and it was easy but my mouth was starting to get sore and throb. And to make maters worse he told me I would have a lisp for 2 weeks though I didn't know what that was.

"Wha'th' a li'th'p",I attempted to ask tony?Then I immediately felt my face begin to burn. But instead of laughing like I thought he would he just simply sighed and said, Come on Mr.Mcshizzle".And at that moment I dreaded going back to the avengers tower.

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