0. " sorry, who are you again ? "

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sorry, who are
you again ?

( irl )

in which a girl loses her temper

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in which
a girl loses
her temper

I JUST WANTED A new Twin Peaks vinyl that sweltering summer day. It was the one day I had free, Mr. Burnside needing me to nanny the rest of the week. I had a pocket full of cash and a new playlist blasting from my phone through my airpods as I walked to Janet's Record Shop. I turned the corner around the bakery, my worn out converse slapping the hot sidewalk, and came face to face with a line of at least eighty people. 

'What the-,' I thought, my eyes scrunching in confusion. No one ever came to this part of town on a day like this, much less a hoard of screaming girls. All of the kids and teenagers like me are usually down at the hole. The hole is what we call the gigantic lake back in the east woods. It's the coolest place to be in town at this time of year, not to mention if you didn't turn up there at least once, you're automatically perceived as a loser. I had no desire to splash around in muddy water and get attacked by throngs of mosquitos just to gain a fake friend or two. I already have friends. I mean, we're all outsiders that were cast aside, but we make due with what we are given. I had made my way past almost half the girls, when a certain blond girl with a nasty sneer stuck her sandal out. I fumbled and fell against another girl in line who, thankfully, steadied me and gave me a friendly grin.

"I am so sorry, Trish tripped me," I blabbered, brushing my hands on my knees. Trish is the meanest girl at school, which sadly means she is also the prettiest and the queen bee. We used to be friendly, being neighbors and all, but she dumped me like everyone always did back in the fourth grade. I look up at the brunette, trying to place her familiar face.

"I'm Audrey," she laughs at my confused expression and shakes my hand. "I live on the other side of town".

I nod in recognition. I had seen her around at friday football games, but we never talked since she was our school rival. I twist a strand of hair around my finger and glance up the line. Audrey is about tenth in line, so I have a good view of the entrance. It's blocked by two huge men, who I assume are bodyguards.

"What's going on? No one ever comes to this part of town". I turn back to Audrey. She looks at me like I just said the most absurd thing she had ever heard.

"Are you kidding?," she exclaims, "Calpurnia is here for a signing"! She gestures to her shirt, which has a circular design on it. I just shrug. "They're one of the best bands ever"? She jumps a bit in excitement.

I just roll my eyes and stand on my toes to check out the door again. The two men are talking to each other, the girls near the front looking at each other ecstatically. I slump back down with a sigh. There is no way I was getting in there today. I looked at the brunette beside me.

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