book 2 Air - Chapter two: "Monk So"

Start from the beginning


(Everyone laughs accept Motoki who helps him back up)

Motoki: Alright enough you okay?

Firelord: that was scary but also pretty cool! But please not like this.

Julia: are you really scared of heights?

Firelord: like the death.

Motoki: we are here the southern air temple

(the temple appears everyone is astonished. You can see children flying with gliders and playing airball. They land at the beginning where a monk salutes them)

Monk: greetings Motoki and good to see you! And you must be Avatar Julia its my honor to meet you, and you must be the fire lord, this must be my lucky day!

Julia: likewise when can I start airbe..

Monk: my name is monk So.

Julia: well please to meet you but I wanna start as soon as possible with the training!

Monk So: off course young avatar but first ill show you your room, follow me!

(while they follow Monk So)

Monk So: long time ago we had millions of our people here but then the 100 year, fire lord sozin almost wiped out most of our people.

Firelord: Im sorry for what they did to your people

Monk So: then after harmonic convergence new airbenders appeared and they were trained here when Zaheer was taken care of together with the red lotus they injured avatar Korra very bad so most of the air benders started to travel to help the world. Nowadays we have two groups of airbender the monks like me and the ones who help save the world even we are separated we are still one.

Firelord: interesting this explains why y..

Monk So: here are your bedrooms left side is female and right side is male.

(Julia whispers to the fire lord)

Julia: is it just me or is Monk So not very interested in our questions and stuff.

Firelord: it kind of looks like it but he is pretty old so cant blame him. Lets just pack out our stuff.

Monk So: You will be expected tonight for dinner.

Julia: What time?

Monk So: Oh dear avatar we dont deal with time here, see you later and dont destroy anything.

Firelord: did the monks always life like this because I will get crazy I need a time for diner Im starving to!

Lelia: well lets quickly pack out our stuff and then head for the dinning room.

Firelord: But where is the dining room? He didnt tell us, I think this is kind of strange if you ask me.

(they all settle down in their room making it comfortable meanwhile Matthijs knocks on Julias door)

Julia: hang on a moment!

Firelord: Hurry up we need to go to the courtyard.

Julia: courtyard? Why?

Firelord: I dont know but monk So wanted everyone to be there and you need to put on airbending clothing.

Julia: Really it looks so.. how do I say it nice without offending their culture.

Firelord: well try it maybe you like it, ill get Lelia and Jackson we will meet you there.

(The fire lord knocks on Jacksons door) 

Jackson: Yes?

Firelord: Monk So wanted everyone to meet at the courtyard.

Jackson: then ill better hurry up

Firelord: yeah but take some casual clothing Julia is probably going to airbend and its really hot outside

Jackson: thats true but I noticed something and its very worrying

(he looks around him to see if no one is listening)

Jackson: I dont trust Monk So he is acting really strange.

Firelord: exactly what I thought so now I know you think the same help me keep a eye out on Julia. Ill get Lelia ill see you in a bit.

(The fire lord goes towards Lelias room and knocks on the door)

Lelia: come in!

Firelord: hey Monk So wanted everyone to meet in the courtyard.

Lelia: why?

Matthijs: I have no idea maybe there are going to give us a tour and give Julia airbending practice

Lelia: do I have to put my Kyoshi warriors outfit on?

Firelord: No just change to something casual Im doing the same.

(as there are talking Julia walks by)

Julia: awh look at you 2 getting along with each other. (and she walks past laughing)

(everyone is in the courtyard Lelia in regular clothing and Julia in a traditional air nomads outfit)

Julia: Im sorry to say So but this is really uncomfortable.

Monk So: you will get used to it, so who is ready for a tour around the temple?

Julia: sir If I may but when am I going to learn air bending?

Monk So: dont be so impatient! we will get to it later!

Julia: But why not now? Im wearing the uniform already? And its almost midnight.


Firelord: Dont give her such a tone she is the avatar remember?

Monk So: fine follow me.

(Jackson starts to question and goes looking for Motoki, he find her almost leaving, while the other go further into the temple)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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