book 2 Air - Chapter two: "Monk So"

Start from the beginning

Firelord: the monks are the nicest people in the world I dont need protection!

Jackson: please sir, please take me with you

(The fire lord blows out) Alright you can come, but because we know each other for so long and maybe I need some men time with all these women.

(Motoki, Julia and lelia all together) Heyy!

Firelord: grab you stuff were leaving in 10 minutes

Jackson: Yes sir! Thank you!

(once Jackson has his stuff loaded in and everyone is on the bison, the bison takes of towards the temple leaving the ship behind)

(meanwhile in republic city)

Lu Gen: she was useless! Why is everyone so pathetic? I almost had him!

(an equalist member enters the room)

Lu Gen: you better have something great to tell me or Im going to do some damage!

Member: oh something great follow me sir!

(they walk to a room with a gun figured object on the table)

Lu Gen: what is this?

Member: this is a VineShooter, this machines makes a really sharp fine come out at the speed of sound so if aimed right it takes away someone bending for a period of time

Lu gen: impossible

Member: its not follow me!

(they walk into a cave where there is a secret room a few doors long when they get into the right place Lu gen sees a member of the Triple threats locked in chains)

Lu gen: who is this?

Member: this is Ling, a member of the Triple Threats a water bender. Watch and see!

(the equalist shoots the weapon at ling at vine enters his body and Ling seems in allot of pain for a few seconds when the small little fine falls out of his body. The Member releases Ling from the chains. Ling trys to bend but it didnt work and fell down)

Ling: what did you do to me?!

Member: your bending is temporarily disabled

Lu Gen: we can get his plan to work

Member: who is his? (Looking at a poster)

Lu Gen: his name was Amon he could take someone bending away, he succeeded with avatar Korra but when he was about to equalize her fire bender friend, Avatar Korra all of the sudden air bended, but now we can do it and so easy everyone could it with this I need more of these

Member: Ill make sure to get more spirit vines

Lu Gen: Firelord and avatar you are going down!

(on the Sky bison)

(they have been travelling for 2 hours)

Julia: Lelia you see that the fire lord fell asleep how cute.

Lelia: should we prank him?

Jackson: Yeah just a small little prank.

(they tie up a cord to his hip really strong)

Julia: Motoki could you (points at him)

Motoki: isnt that a bit dangerous?

Julia: no its fun its just a quick thing (motoki signs): just quick then

Motoki: Jip Jip!

(the bison makes a quick barrel roll with everyone still inside and the fire lord hanging out of the side)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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