I looked into his deep, blue eyes and smiled. I've got to let him have a chance. Sure he's messed up in the head and we definitely have a few issues to talk over, but aside from turning me into a vampire, he hasn't done anything to hurt me. And by how he saved my butt many times, I doubt he'll do anything to purposely hurt me.

But still, I can't let my guard down. I'll open up to him, but I'm also being careful around him. "Yeah, I was just thinking."

"About what?" he said in a soft tone. He was leaning against the kitchen counter and was using one of his arms to support his head as he was leaning.

"That you should really train me how to fight."

"Why? I'm doing a fine job protecting you," he said. Images of him bruised and bloody back at the motel crossed my mind and I shook my head to get rid of them.

Fine? He called that fine? Sure, he may have won but he was hurt! I can't just stand there like a helpless person while he risks his life to defend both of us. I want to be able to fight alongside him, that way he'll have a less chance of getting hurt.

"But I can't just stand there helpless while you fight and get hurt!" I told him.

He was silent for a few moments. "You're worried about me?" he asked, in the softest tone he has ever used.

Did I say that? "I uh...cause it's like...you're sorta the only person who knows about this vampire thing other than Levi so yeah..." I mumbled, looking down on my feet. Just because I told myself that I was going to give him a small, very tiny chance, that didn't mean I was going to tell him that.

He'll have to figure that one out on his own.

"Oh. Yeah right," he muttered, sounding a slight bit disappointed. I furrowed my eyebrows and was about to ask him what was wrong when he interrupted me, "so you want to train? Okay um, well first I'd have to know what you're good at," he said.

Considering PE was the only class that I struggled to maintain a respectable B in, I don't think there'll be a good answer for that. I remained silent since I didn't want to tell him that I wasn't good at anything involving physical activity. "Well?" he asked.

"Um, I don't really do the whole fitness thing..." I mumbled, looking down and hiding my blush. I expected a comment saying how weak I was or even laughter, but was confused when all I was met with was silence.

Looking up, I saw Layton have a small smile on his face. "It's okay. We'll just say that you're good at screaming to an extent of splitting your opponent's ear drums," he said.

I gaped at him and threw one of the towels on the counter. "Hey! That wasn't nice," I pouted. He chuckled and came over, patting me on the head.

"Sorry sweetheart, but sure I promise to train you. Maybe tomorrow night though, I have to talk to Levi about something," he said, walking away.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

He smiled at me and walked up the stairs, not saying another word. Well alright then. I sighed and looked around the room. There was absolutely nothing to do around here.

I could go talk more with Sabrina, but that would involve interrupted her with Drew. I didn't really trust Drew yet, or at all, so I wasn't about to go up there. Levi and Layton were too busy and Jason was asleep, so I can't do anything with either of them.

Walking over to one of the couches, I sat down and stared up at the ceiling. It was times like this where I really wished I had Lucas and Haley with me. If they were here, I'd never be bored. 

The phone on the table rang causing me to jump. I waited for someone else to answer the phone but no one came down. Couldn't they hear the phone ringing even from where they were? Since no one was going to answer, I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Nebraska?" a shaky voice replied. Even though it's been weeks since I've heard that voice, I still remembered it by heart.

"Haley?" I asked. How did she get this number? How did she know where I was? "Oh my god Haley what happened? How'd you get this number? Are you okay?" The questions kept pouring out of my mouth but what stopped me was the sound of her sobbing. "Haley are you okay? What's going on? Where's Lucas?"

"Um..she got us..." she said, sounding like she was in pain. She yelped in pain and the sound was enough to send me in total panic.

"Haley where are you? I'm coming just tell me where you are!" Oh dear please don't let anyone take her away from me.

"The abandoned factory at the outskirts of town. She said not to bring anyone or she'll kill Lucas!" she cried out.

"She? She who? Haley what's going on?!"

"Please help us Nebraska!" she sobbed.

I cringed. On a list of top ten sounds that could make me feel terrible, hearing my best friend crying is going to be among the very top. "I'm on my way don't worry!" I said, before hanging up the phone. As much as I wanted to talk more on the phone with her, I couldn't stand hearing her cry and sob.

It sounded so awful. It sounded like she was being tortured! But who would want to hurt Haley like that? She is such an innocent soul who'd never hurt a fly! 

I took several deep breaths. Okay Nebraska, keep yourself together! Haley needs me, I needed to be strong for her. But first, I needed to figure out who would want to hurt her.

Zoey was the first one that came to mind, but even she wasn't capable of hurting Haley like that. Plus, the last time I saw her she was in a mess because of what happened with her sister. But that could also mean she'd want revenge on me. Still though, she wouldn't do anything that drastic. She doesn't even know where I am! 

Thinking back, I tried to think about every person that would want harm to come to me. Not many names came up. In fact, other than  Zoey, I couldn't even think of another person that would want to harm me or Haley.

I shook my head. No, I shouldn't be standing here thinking of who it could be. I should be out there, helping Haley and finding out myself who would want to hurt me!

I ran to the luggage that Levi had tossed to the side and dug around in mine. Since it was still night outside, I grabbed a jacket and a scarf. Haley couldn't stand the cold, she gets sick so easily, so I have to bring something for her to wear for when I save her.

After putting the jacket and scarf on, I ran over to the kitchen and scribbled out a fast note and taped it to the fridge. Might as well leave these guys a note so they won't end up worrying about me that much.

I'm going out for a bit, don't wait up for me. I'll be back soon. PS: watch over Jason for me ~Braska

It wasn't the best note, but it was enough to not send them into a fit of panic if they end up looking for me. 

Once that was done, I walked out the door and into the crisp, cool December air. I knew where the abandoned factory was, we passed by it on the way here. Looking back to make sure no one was following me, I took a deep breath and ran towards the direction of the factory.

Don't worry Haley, I'm coming.


The original chapter 17 disappeared for some reason but luckily I remembered most of what happened in the chapter, but since I was rushing there's some sloppy mistakes that I'll fix later

Anyways, tell me what you think

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