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Eve's soul appears back in her body. Her finger's millimeters away from the painting. She looks around and takes in a huge breath It's been a long time since she's used her powers. She walks around some more thinking about who that man could have been she was very curious. Caius is sitting on a black love seat, sketching away at his sketchbook. "Caius" I say. He ignores. "Caius" I say again, he flicks his ruby like eyes towards me then back at his sketchbook (she knows what some things are I'll tell you how soon. ). "What" do you want you insolent little girl". He says very agitated. "May I go read a book " I say. "I don't care " he replies with a scowl. I walk in the halls silently looking for a person to help me since Caius wasn't  any help. As I'm walking around I come across a male version of Jane. "Hello Mr. Jane can you help me find a book? "  I ask trying to be polite. " Alec, that's my name. Follow " . He says with no emotion on his  face.  I follow him till we reach our destination. It was another set of large maroon door's. He opens them effortlesly and what I see shocks me. "A library " Alec says. I look around and see hundred's upon thousands of books, my eyes widened. I look back to say thank you but I see I'm by myself once again. I reach my small fingers out to a book I've never seen. "Romeo and Juliet " I read. I look up and see thousands more. Slowly I reach my hand up with my eyes closed, I take in a deep breath and open my eyes. The books are now off the shelves and are floating around me the snow flakes have risen off my skin and clothes started floating along with the books. My eyes start to glow a blue hue and my hair rises as well. The ink that was once on the paper is now also circling around me. This is my way of reading.

                  -------- Carlisle --------
"Volturi" I say out loud. Still in my office looking at the paper that has this rechid name. I pack my belongings up and head home."Alice" I yell out.  "Yes Carlisle " she says showing up in front of me. "Have you had any recent visions" I say.  "No I haven't. Why?" She asks. "I have a bad feeling about something."

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