Leon, To Capture A Heart: Story 2

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"Okay, what's your deal?" Emily says, slamming my locker shut in front of me.

I shrug, turning away as I put my hair in a ponytail. "What are you talking about?"

"Uh, well for starters you have that goofy smile on your face, and, uh, you have said not one sarcastic comment since you walked in here!" Emily follows behind me.

We exit the changeroom and head towards the kitchen.

"Jack, please tell Abbey she's being weird." Emily hollers over at my boss who is sizzling ground beef in a frying pan.

"Sorry, too busy working, as should you be!" He says back to her, without looking up from what he's doing.

"Ugh, fine." Emily sighs.

The conversation is dropped and we begin the evening serving tables. Customers come and go, and my mood never falters. My mind dances around the sweet dream of Leon that I had earlier. When I'm wiping down a table, and seeing my own reflection in the glossy surface, I pause for a moment.

"What is wrong with me?" I mumble to myself, giving my head a shake. "Since when have I've been the type to fall head over heels..."

"Since meeting the love of your life." A giggling voice comes from behind me.

I spin around and gasp. "Whoa...Hannah..." I nervously tuck a strand of hair that escaped the clutches of my ponytail behind my ear. "S-something you need?"

She quietly laughs. "No. But, I couldn't help but notice that smile and sparkle in your eye. That's not something that we often see." She stops and thinks it over. "Actually, this is something we've never seen."

"Uhh...." I nervously ring the cloth in my hands, unsure on what to say.

Hannah slides into the booth and gestures to the seat across from her. "Time for a break."

I obey and slide into the seat across from her.

She places her chin on her hands, with her elbows propped up on the table. "It's about Leon isn't it?"

"What do you think?" I lazily, cup my face in my hands and sigh.

"Did you finally see him?" She holds her breath when she asks.

I shift my gaze to salt and pepper shakers, as I don't answer right away. "...No, actually I didn't. I actually had a dream about him." I bashfully answer.

"Aww..." She squeals. "Well you know what this means then?"

"Uh..." I try to find the answer but nothing comes to mind.

"You have to go see him, duh." Emily then forcibly scoots in next to me.

"Why is it you always appear when we have conversations like this?" I say.

"Think of me as your guardian angel, watching over you." She shrugs.

"More like my stalker." I nudge her side.

The three of us laugh, then Jack comes around serving us soft drinks, giving us a wink before walking off.

"So, you're going to go see him now, right?" Emily says, sipping her drink.

"Now? But I'm working." I tell her.

Hannah suddenly appears, standing in front of the table, holding my jacket, bag and keys. "You don't worry about that. Now off you go."

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