
"You don't have to do this Jacob" pleaded Bella. I saw Rosalie roll her eyes at Bella. "So you care if Jacob dies and not Edward.

"Why don't you stop playing with their emotions you b-" She started off and I glared at her.

"Rosalie" I snapped and she sighed, knowing I don't want the kind of language in my house. "Sorry Esme" she muttered and my usual smile worked its way on my face.

"Why are we doing this again," Rosalie asked Carlisle and I sighed, but my smile was still on my face. "Bella is apart of the family now, Rosalie," Carlisle said with a sad smile on his face.

Carlisle isn't happy about Rosalie basically planning Bella's murder, though I understand her. After she turned and got revenge, she made a real family with us. If people found out about us then all of our vampire lives would end. It Rosalie's mind, Bella isn't worth the risk. In Edwards mind she is, and I want my children to be happy.

I know how it feels to not have a mate, so the last thing I would do is put one of my children through the same thing, I wouldn't damn them to a lifetime of loneliness. "It's happening princess now suck it up," Emmet said and I saw Jasper crack a smile.

Rosalie glared at him and walked away. He laughed and followed after her. "We need to get to the field," Carlisle said looking at his watch. I nipped my finger to stop from laughing. He looks like the bunny from Alice in Wonderland who hates to be late. Edward stifled a laugh when he read my thoughts then nodded. "What are you two giggling about," Jasper asked and everyone looked at me and Edward. "Nothing," Edward and I said together with amused smiles.

"Jacob, take Bella to the mountain," said Carlisle and as I looked at Edward, I could see the distaste on his face.

I put a motherly hand in his shoulder and he visibly relaxed. "Be careful guys." Bella said as she looked at us. "If one of my family gets killed, I will kill you" Rosalie seethed with hatred on her face.

I didn't say anything to Rosalie this time. Even though I love Bella like a daughter, she isn't full family just yet, if she got one of us killed I'd have to take my family and leave forever. My family comes first. When Bella turns I'll consider her family, but as of now, she's not family yet.

Jacob picked Bella up and began to run. "Let's get going," Carlisle said and the rest of us started moving out.

We arrived at the battle with only two thoughts in mind; kill them all and stay alive. "Well...Let's not died today" Emmet said I heard Rosalie mutter, "To save Bella? Yeah, not a chance in hell."

We didn't have to wait long for the newborn army to arrive. They walked together as a group, watching us like we're their prey. The army stopped a good ways away from us, but not too far away. "We'll give you one last time to walk away from Victoria," Carlisle said with a strong voice. He speaks when things like this come up since he's the leader.

"You killed my mate." she smirked and looked and the boy next to her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward squint his eyes at her. "You're lying to him to get him on your side," Edward said and the boy's eyes wavered a bit Edward looked at the boy.

"She doesn't love you, Riley, she's using you to kill my mate because I killed hers," Edward said and Victoria glared at Edward before looking at Riley.

"He's lying, I do love you," She said and Riley's doubt flew out the window. "We're not backing down. Where's the little bitch, by the way, Cullen" Riley sneered with a smirk on his face. Edward Growled and Ran at Riley. As soon as he did that, the newborns started running at us. We ran at full force and began fighting.

I ran up to a Newborn and went behind her. I grabbed bet neck and ripped it off. Besides what Jasper taught us, Killing them is easier when they can't see you. "Watch out Esme!" I heard Alice yell. I looked behind me, but I wasn't fast enough. I was tackled. I tried to get them off me, but being a newborn made him stronger.

I looked up and saw something in the sky. "Are you ok Esme?" Emmet asked me, by unpaid no attention. I looked in the sky and saw something falling. Whatever was falling, mad me feel something I've wanted to feel since I Was a teen; Love.

"Esme...Esme!....Esme!!!" Carlisle yelled when he noticed I wasn't fighting, but yet again, I ignored them. "Looks like mummy dearest is distracted" I heard Riley say, but I didn't care.

I saw the thing was coming closer and I felt something rise in my chest, it was excitement. I felt myself getting excited for whatever was about to land.

"Guys look" I whispered knowing they could hear me, a whisper is all I could get out anyway. Whatever is coming down has my full attention, but I know my family is worried about how I'm acting. I need whatever it is to hurry.


I felt myself coming closer and closer to the earth. I could sense a lot of pain, misery, death, and little happiness. This is one of the reasons I never came to earth. Feeling all these things at once, or at all if heartbreaking.

When I reached close enough to the earth I spread my wings, thinking I might as well see the pureness of them before they pureness disappears and they turn black. To say I was surprised when I looked at them would be an understatement. My wings were 95% white, but the tips were black, and that bothered me even more so then if they ere entirety black.

I didn't want to know the pain that would come if I hit the ground so I I flew down. I can't stay in the air for long, Humans would notice a flying woman with wings sooner or later.

I landed on my feet gracefully then sniffed the air. I looked up and saw a vampire war going on, but what caught my attention was a woman; Black hair with gold eyes that were staring right at me. She grinned and ran to me.

I sneered at her and movies to the side so she'd miss me. She ran right past me then stopped and turned to me. "Mate," she said with so much emotion it almost hurt. I saw love in her eyes as she looked at me. "Stay away from me vampire."  I sneered and flew up into the sky and flew away, trying to get away from her.

I landed in the forest and looked around. I heard a crunch and sighed, it's the women. "What do you want?" I asked looking to my side.

"I'm your mate," she said happily but confused as to why I wasn't all over her.

"No, you are a monster" I turned around to look her in her eyes. Tears built up in her eyes but didn't fall.

"I don't hurt people" her voice cracked and I but my lip. "No matter, you're still a monster. Now go back before your family finds you in flames" I said with a hard voice.

She sniffled and looked at me in the eyes before shaking her head no. "No," she said and I rolled my eyes. I felt the hatred of what happened to my build up in me. My eyes turned to fire red and I growled out, "leave now." I commanded, and as her supposed "mate", she had no choice but to obey me.

If I was actually her mate, she'd have no choice but to obey me, since I'm dominant and she's submissive. That's the way of the world. Men are the dominant and women are the submissives. The vampire world is different since Lucifer made them, the same sex can be mates, but the dominant and submissive rule still applies.

She looked so ready to cry but as a vampire, she couldn't. She slowly backed up, still looking me directly in the eyes. I suppose she thinks I'm going to change my mind. I rolled my eyes and flew away from that horrid creature, The devil's creation, the vampire.

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