Jet Setters

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Jamie POV

I'm in my room that they deemed as my dressing room on the yacht when suddenly the door is opened and Dakota comes storming in like a tornado.

"You actually gave me a hickey? I can't fucking believe this," she yells.

We just finished filming the honeymoon handcuff scene. Knowing that makeup would be giving her some makeup hickeys, I may have given her a real one on her neck that could easily be hidden by her hair.

"Calm down. You can hide it with your hair." I say like a true male.

"And what about tomorrow you Asshole? When we are out on the jetski and there are paparazzi everywhere?" she continues to yell

"Makeup will cover it up just like your tattoos."

She clearly has something to say about that but it doesn't happen because a crew member sticks their head in and calls us to set. Dakota's been killing it drawing from real emotion, she almost actually hit me with the hairbrush multiple times.

We're on deck when Erika wants a picture of the two of us and the sea probably for DVD extras or something. Dakota sighs at the request and wraps her arm around my waist, places her head on my chest so that they can't see her neck and I wrap my arm around her shoulder. The picture turns out pretty great.

After the picture, we start shooting the apology. We are probably getting through this scene so fast because Dakota and I aren't goofing off.

After they call cut I keep messaging Dakota's scalp.

She lets out a quiet moan, "Okay, seriously, I can't stay mad at you when you play with my hair like that."

I smile with a light chuckle, "good to know," and keep playing with her hair.

She takes a step back, "Why'd you give me the hickey?"

I let out a deep sigh, "Because," I think for a second, "look at where we are. We're in the city of love, we're in love, and we can't go explore, or do anything just the two of us."

"Okay but that still doesn't explain why."

"Because even if it's only you, me, and the crew that know that it's there. I know that you are mine, and none of these French guys who are hitting on you when you go out with Rita are going to take you away from me." I explain, Dakota hasn't quite got how self-deprecating I am, and that she could do so much better than me.

I'm expecting her to keep fighting with me, but instead, she lets out a sigh and smiles.

She takes a few steps forward, throws her arms around her neck, and presses her chest to mine. She looks up at me with a happy teasing gleam in her eye, "Okay... I'll let the hickey go. If, you let me give you a matching one tonight." Her teeth sink into her bottom lip while still wearing a sexy smile, her eyes dance with mischief, my smile grows as I cage her face in my hands and rest my forehead against hers.

I chuckle, "yea, you can give me a matching one." I smile and kiss her.

I place the framed picture of Dakota and me from that day on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I look in the box next to my feet and see that its empty. I can't help but smile.

"Jamie!" Dakota calls from downstairs, I grab the box and make my way downstairs.

"Well this is the last box, the house is on the market, its official, the girls and I are completely one hundred percent moved in," I say as I enter the kitchen, break down the box, open the garage door and throw the box in the pile of boxes that need to go out with recycling, then close the door.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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