Part 7

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"Okay time to kill some humans." EJ said, shrugging. "AHHHH!!!! MONSTERS!!!! DON'T HURT US!" one of the humans said. We didn't say a word and just chased after them. I of course was the fastest (not to bragg) and we all managed to catch up with them. I stabbed one of the humans, EJ ate one of them, and Ani drained one of their souls.

Ani as usual leaned her victim on a tree and tied them up. "Okay lets go." Ani said with a smile. We walked and there was silence until Ani spoke up. "EJ...Kate! You did great by the way." I beamed. "Thanks!". EJ blushed. "Um yeah thanks Ani, I guess." "No problem!" Ani replied.

Later  I realized it started snowing outside and of course Ani was excited about it. "YAY! SNOW!" Toby exclaimed. "REALLY?" Sally asked. "Yep!" Ani said, tapping on the window! "YAY!!!" Masky cheered. "We should go ice skating! All the creepypastas should go!" Hoodie said. "NO!!!!!" Ben cried. "WHAT why?" I asked. "WHAT IF THE ICE BREAKS AND WHAT IF I FALL INTO THE WATER?" Ben said. "Oh yeah I forgot about your phobia." chuckled Toby. "argh." grumped Ben.

"I am going outside!" Ani called out. "If thats okay with you Slender." Slender nodded. "Sure I guess so." "Yay!" " I will come too!" I said putting on my coat

. . .

(also Ben is the guy in the pic for those readers who dont know)

[ORIGINAL] Kate the chaser x Ticci TobyWhere stories live. Discover now